Saturday, October 4, 2008

Modern causes of escalating violence around the globe & measures to tackle this menace.

I wonder, human nature, its aspirations, jealousy, materialisation and other similar prospects that more or less are related with needs, desires & the complexities of the social fabric which we tend to create as gregarious species, thus increasing our chances of survival by enhancing assurance of food, shelter & clothings etc..
But in the last century, with the first & second world wars, there were several conflicts, battles or skirmishes in almost all directions of the earth. Logically indexing, I could make out many physiochemical relations also for this all resentment & instability. Mathematically as we integrate infinitesimally small parts into one integrand & find that the characteristics of majority are prominently enhanced in the final integrand; similarly the mental resentment, physical illness or social maladjustment chiefly correlated with above other two factors also combine as a population & specially in this comparatively sophisticated time when capabilities of unit human being has been enormously increased, these integrators posses greater influence & higher degree of magnitude.
Reasons for above mentioned discrepancies in the naturally directed life of a human being can broadly be classified as (1) Material causes (2) Non material causes. Material causes are Pollutions or negative alterations in the constituents of natural system around & including us. Non material causes are the change in thinking patterns or psychological impacts for example because of machinery;s evolution & advancement, it becomes easier to live on a life thus the bondage specially emotional ones became weakened or vanished. This paradigm also refers to a very obvious & generalised approach that these two material & non material factors are closely intermingled to each other. In spite of this, because of their wide applied difference & gross variety in appearance, it looks to be facilitating to classify them in such a way.
Mentioning above very broad & gross division & discerning of causes one major deduction comes in mind, that's about having an approach of thinking our own self as an integrated part of this entire multiverse. This is in fact the truth and in this case the only solution feasible. It'll perform two tricks, first it'll make us all one, thus we will be more sensitive & loving to each other as we love our entire body's organs. Second, it'll create a broader thinking formation in our brain when practiced for longer, enabling us to decode more information and through this attainment of more knowledge about our mother nature. Remember, the quest for that knowledge must be the only ultimate goal of "The Mankind".