Thursday, December 27, 2007

End of a “Devoted Icon”

I am in the deepest of sorrow with the assassination of one of the greatest leader of the Indian sub continent Mrs. Benazir Bhutto. She was a brave lady leader of a highly patriarchal, conservative muslim society. After loosing her inspirational father, with the strength and bravery of patriotism, she entered in the muddy, brutal and severely volatile Pakistani politics. After being in power for short intervals, having being faced with corruption allegations and all sorts of harrasements by self centric or Islamic extremists’ groups or other political, personal foes; she stood firm. Amidst of violent plight, for the sake of her countrymen and the vision which she nurtured for her beloved country, she returned with all wanted, unwanted agreements; displaying her affection towards the motherland and the people of Pakistan. It’s very unfortunate that Extremists and Bigot terrorists’ organizations act slyly, brutally killing people on the name of Religion and then showing off through Media announcements, about their cruelty as their victory. Any Religion doesn’t direct the path of violence and hatred. These misguided militants can’t even realize, whatever they’re doing is going only negative. They are clearly killing innocent people and creating a very negative image of Islam in front of the entire world community.
Coming back to the Martyr, I state my total solidarity to her family and friends; and express much regret towards this heinous act of cowardice against a woman who stood firm for her nation and democracy. Infinite regards to the great soul which will always be kindling as a torch in our hearts, spreading aura of love and freedom.

Devashish Mishra,
28th Dec 2007.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Converting Faith!

Hello to all my readers,
Today I decided to write about my views on people who convert their religion. There have been numerous conflicts and disastrous violent battles in human society, merely to convert people to the choice of certain sections of society. Our political fraternity believes in the profit which they might cash out of this mishap. What is religion? It’s one’s faith and devotion to a set of thoughts and views, and it’s not at all impractical that it may vary from time to time, but being a social animal, we are bound to be more confined and most of all highly influenced by people around us. In India, you can find faiths of all kinds, everyone possessing their on take, I can’t comment on the whole world’s position, but as my perception goes, it looks similar, as we all are emotional and thinkers. If defaming any religious insignia can cause severe outburst like it was in case of prophet, then it alarms our minds even more, that are till now, have we been enough minded to be free and broad with our thinking? Are we blind enough in something which we just embraced as it was said to us? If questions and matters pertaining “Religion” are so inflammable then I must urge all people to abstain themselves from converting and try to find their path individually, because if we’re not that “Intellectual” that we can bear “Freak” acts of others, then we’re certainly not that minded to alter the traditional faith or even if we’re then our that intellectuality shows us the way of being away with such conversions and try installing peace in society rather than trouble. I don’t want to make this article a “Radical” by equipping it with the examples of Christian Missions in India, that give money and other temptations only to alter their faiths and then think whatever loyalty they’ve got, will be even more substantial as generations passes, the approach with which Muslims got much base in Indian Subcontinent. It sparks people, specially of Minorities, so be witty and act the same.
Yours forever
Devashish Mishra (“Nucleusfermi”).

Sunday, November 25, 2007

What is "Communism"?

I have always been wondering what this "Communism" noun is all about? Since I have crossed 18 years of my life year back, it's now have become significant enough to equip myself with a greater sense of this renowned word, though in my state there isn't any communist political party eminent, but in the nation of INDIA they exist in a few corners and these days making enough noise in parliament. After finding many articles and having read them all, I decided to write this one here, it reflects it more or less clearly.
“What is Communism?” it may be good to first compare it to communism with a small “c.” The system of thought called communism is an ideology summarized in the neat-sounding maxim, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” A study of communism could lead one into the fascinating and divergent attempts throughout history by groups to walk in the light of the above principle -- attempts both secular and religious, some benign and some malignant.

Like the big elephant examined by the group of blind men in the old Indian story, our understanding of communism would vary greatly depending on which portion of the beast we touch. But if we think of communism as that bulky beast of the jungle with many strange parts, Communism with a capital “C” would be the tusk- perceived as a sharp and dangerous spear by its fearful examiner.

Modern day Communism is based on the writings of two German economists, Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels, who answered the question “What is Communism?” in their collaboration, “The Communist Manifesto” published in 1848. In it they declare that many problems in society are due to the unequal distribution of wealth. To bring about happiness and prosperity for all, the distinctions between the rich and poor of society must be eliminated. And since the rich will never give up their goods or status voluntarily, a rebellion of the poor -- the working class -- is necessary.

Thus, Communism is a distinct socio-political philosophy that is willing to use violent means to attain its goal of a classless society. If capitalism is defined as a social system based on individual rights (and individual wealth), then communism is its direct opposite. Communism believes in equality through force. In its system, individual rights are ground to powder and used to build its idol of absolute government control. It is indeed like the tusk of the elephant. It is sharp. It is dangerous. And it has gored millions of men in its rage through history.

Communism embraces atheism and dismisses religion as “the opiate of the masses,” a system designed by the rich and powerful to keep the poor in their place.

But Communism’s quest for a classless society is bound to fail. As Frank Zappa, ‘60s rock star, succinctly said, “Communism doesn’t work because people like to own stuff.” Furthermore, someone has to hold the money bag even in a communist-style society. And whoever holds the bag becomes not only a target for those looking on but for the subtle interior demons of pride, avarice, and self-preservation.

If there will always be the poor, then there will always be the rich. There will always be division, the haves and the have-nots, and any attempt to establish a classless society this side of heaven, particularly through the violent and godless ways of Communism, is destined to frustration and failure.

I personally am very against this policy, what other people think about it, is a worth learning point. So do comment as your views friends!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

What an individual person can do to handle "Climate change."

Bangladesh erosion along river cuts a town in the middle, an increasing threat from global warming.

Global climate change is a burning issue, having significance of infinite time, simultaneously requiring higher attention for life’s existence in future. I read a lot about steps taken by various communities of society of countries like USA, Australia, Denmark and India; then I pondered over what an individual of a developing nation (like me) can do to handle this problem of global climate change. Though as per statistics one might say developing countries possess lesser causes of originating the trouble, I feel with our (India’s) growth rate, population and aspirations it’ll be very helpful if we think about our duties before they arrive with urgency, as they’ve in developed countries like America. I have listed a few common things one individual of a developing nation and to much extent a developed nation can do for helping positively in movement for “Global climate change.”

Making various personal choices can be an effective method of fighting climate change. The Environmental Protection Agency's Personal Emissions Calculator is a tool for measuring the impact that individual choices (often money saving) can have.

(1) Shopping: By making strategic consumer choices, one can reduce the production of greenhouse gases. Purchasing energy-efficient products helps reduce the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. For example, aluminium packaging has a much more energy intensive production process than plastic packaging, and therefore higher greenhouse emission.
(2) Recycling: Buying products that are reusable or recyclable, or contain reduced packaging, can save a significant part of the energy and resources required for manufacturing new goods. By recycling paper, cardboard, glass or metal, an average family could reduce their carbon dioxide emissions by up to one ton annually. Cutting down on products used around the home, especially power-intensive electric products such as desktops, can have a large effect on overall emissions.
(3) Public transport:
More frequent use of public transportation helps the environment by reducing the time spent in cars. Boats and ferries are the most efficient method of fossil fuel transport, followed by trains, then buses. Aeroplanes can be more than ten times less energy-efficient than cars. Walking is the least impactful mode of transportation, followed by the bicycle, whose usage produces no carbon emissions. (Even though the manufacturing of bicycles can emit carbon dioxide and other pollutants.)
(4) Trees: Protecting forests and planting new trees contributes to the absorption of carbon dioxide from the air. There are many opportunities to plant trees in the yard, along roads, in parks, and in public gardens. In addition, some charities plant fast-growing trees -- to help people in tropical developing countries restore the productivity of their lands. Conversely, clearing old-growth forests adds to the carbon in the atmosphere, so buying non-old-growth paper is good for the climate as well as the forest.
(5) Labels: The Energy Star label can be seen on many household appliances, home electronics, office equipment, heating and cooling equipment, windows, residential light fixtures, and other products. Energy Star products use less energy.
Green Electricity Watch is an independent ranking of GreenPower electricity products offered by Australian electricity retailers, providing consumers with a simple guide to all the GreenPower products available and which ones make a real difference in reducing global warming. Similar labels are can be found in India as well.

(6) Cars: Buying a car can be a weighty decision. Purchasing an energy-efficient vehicle helps to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide.
(7) Renewable energy: The use of alternative energy sources, such as solar, wind, geothermal, and hydro energy, is gaining increased support worldwide. The wind energy produced in Denmark, for example, provides about 10 percent of the country's total energy needs. These methods of energy production emit no greenhouse gases once they are up and running. Many energy suppliers in various countries worldwide have options to purchase part or pure "green energy."
(8) Carbon offsets: The principle of carbon offset is thus: one decides that they don't want to be responsible for accelerating climate change, and they've already made efforts to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions, so they decide to pay someone else to further reduce their net emissions by planting trees or by taking up low-carbon technologies. Every unit of carbon that is absorbed by trees -- or not emitted due to your funding of renewable energy deployment -- offsets the emissions from their fossil fuel use. In many cases, funding of renewable energy, energy efficiency, or tree planting -- particularly in developing nations -- can be a relatively cheap way of making an individual "carbon neutral".
(9) Using less animal products: The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization reports that rearing livestock contributes more greenhouse gases than all fossil fuel burning combined.
(10) Writing letters, direct lobbying politically, public shaming for careless industries, using improved machinery, posting relevant documentations over blog or forum, community organizing specially with children and youth involved in favouring activities etc. can help vigorously.
(11) Quitting smoking can also be profiting to one as an individual as well as the whole society by reducing emission of greenhouse gases like carbon mono and di oxide. All practices we apply for curbing all sorts of pollutions (chiefly “Air”) must also be run.

Many other means can also be utilized, just a few moments of thinking and you might enlist more, so now for Yours Own Sake
Devashish Mishra

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Vaidic Mathematics

Maths made Easy!!!

Vedic Maths is based on sixteen sutras or principles. These principles are general in nature and can be applied in many ways. In practice many applications of the sutras may be learned and combined to solve actual problems.

In the Vedic system 'difficult' problems or huge sums can often be solved immediately by the Vedic method. These striking and beautiful methods are just a part of a complete system of mathematics which is far more systematic than the modern 'system'. Vedic Mathematics manifests the coherent and unified structure of mathematics and the methods are complementary, direct and easy.

The simplicity of Vedic Mathematics means that calculations can be carried out mentally (though the methods can also be written down). There are many advantages in using a flexible, mental system. Pupils can invent their own methods, they are not limited to the one 'correct' method. This leads to more creative, interested and intelligent pupils.
Click Me To Download
Installation instructions:-
Unpack using WinRar. Extracts to 74 mb after unpacking. Burn the iso to a CD or mount it using Demon Tools. Run the program. Happy Computing.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wildlife Conservation

Image- "A Clouded Leopard on a tree branch"
We address nature as our mother in the form of very popular term "mother nature"। The blind race of "Materialisation" has been a driving force of rapid "Industrialisation" around us. As a prime measurement of prosperity, productivity of one nation possesses extreme significance. For achieving our economic goals, every time we are to compromise with our very own "Mother Nature's" compositon and due to our invincible existance on the planet rest organisms happen to be mere simpleton tools of our selfish machinery, fighting with odds densely for making sure they survive a bit longer.
The degradation of "Flora & Fauna" has corrupted in a faster pace, leaving many troubles for human beings themselves. In this article I want to focus my attention on swift loss of Wild Animal's Biological Diversity in India. Our country (India) celebrates wildlife week on every first week of Ocober.
Matter of the fact is the whales are killed in the deep ocean, the tusks are being removed from the elephants and the skin and bones of thiger are exchanged in the border area, rare migratory birds are captured and sold in the black markets around the world. Yet as mentioned above wildlife week and other similar kinds of seminars and movements are mangaed by governments, environmentalists, activitists to accelerate the awareness of wildlife conservation among people. India, being a mega storehouse of various species, is also able to manage several conferences ,awareness programmes, public meetings among the nature-lovers. But it lasts a week. Then the concern over wildlife is relegated to the backburner as the mandate to conserve the wild species is given to the NGOs or self claimed conservationists.
India, having two "hot spots" -The Eastern Himalaya ans The Western Ghats- is one of the 12 mega diversity countries. With only 2.4% of the global land area, it possesses more than 45,000 plant species, representing about 11% of the world's Biota. The flowering plants comprise about 17,500 species that represent more than 6% of world's known flowering plants. There are a number of botanical curiosities in the Himalayas only. India's immense Faunal diversity that is estimated to be over 81,000 represents about 6.5% of World's Fauna. As many as 29 endangered species like Slow Loris, Brown Bear, Himalayan Lynx, Clauded Leopard, Musk Deer, Ibex are found in India.
Once protected by the Mauryan Emepror "Ashoka", the River Dolphins of Ganges, though legally protected under The Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972, are neglected by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF). If the number of species matters, as TIger gets 27 reserved protected areas, The River Dolphin must get the same number of protected areas. The irony is that only a 50 Km stretch og Ganga in Bihar has been declared as "Dolphin Sanctuary". So far the government does not have any substanitial data on the animal, it has never carried out any scientific study or conducted a head count of this endangered animals.
Tiger gets the Lion's share from the budget of MoEF, since 1973 (Project Tiger), millions of Rupees have been spent on Tiger and still the animal is in danger. Indian policy makers are still in the circle of outdated conservation theory (propounded by the West) that Tiger conservation (animal at the highest level of Ecosystem) would lead to balance Bio Diversity.
The seriousness of celebrating wildlife week is not only to educate the young people like school children but also to rectify the flaws in the conservation efforts by the government. The key of global wildlife conservation in 21st centuary must be to craft solutions that meet the specific requirements of each species and its specific circumstances.
Devashish Mishra "Nucleusfermi"
Relevent data collected form online edition
of news paper "The Hindu".

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Music Videos (For Promotional Use Only)

Often it becomes a bit tougher finding out Music Videos of your favourite artists, this post will provide you some selected musical creations with good quality video, the songs provided here are for promotional use only, if you like them then you ought to buy their original copies. If you've any specific demand, feel free commenting here with all possible descriptions, download and have joy!
All Songs are in pretty general formats, but I think it's essential to provide a Multimedia Player's installation Pack here itself, so you might not have any problem playing these videos, so here is the optimum performance media player, of course in my view,VLC Media Player
As long as you love me
Gimme More Britney Spears MTV VMA(Awards) 2007
Sutta Club Mix (Hindi)
Beautiful Lier (Beyonce Shakira)
Mahiya Annie Remix Video
Metallica The Unforgiven 2nd Reload Director Matt Mahurin
Waiting for tonight "Una noche mas" Jennifer Lopez
All I Have To Give
Hil Hil Ke Nacho Nacho (Medagasker HIndi, Children's song)
I Like To Move It Move it (English version Medagasker)
Chori Chori Hum Gori Se (Love Guru)
Dangerous (michael jackson)
Dus Bahane Karke
Dil Duba Dil Duba Neeli Aankhon Mein Ye Dil Dooba
Dhoom Machle
Dil Jal Jaayega (Dhoom 2)
Koi Kahe Kehta Rahe
Kaal Title Song Shahrukh Khan Mallika Arora
Mein Deewana "Ganesha" (Kyon Ki)
JAM Michael Jackson
Baila "Jennifer Lopez"
Bailamos "Enrique Iglesias"
BLUE "One Love"
Baby One More Time "Britney Spears"
Linkin' Park "NUMB"
Linkin Park "From The Inside"
Linkin Park "What I've Done"
Wanna Be "Spice Girls" (Spice Gals)
Summer Of '69 "Bryan Adams" (POL)
Shakira "Hips Don't Lie"
Do you know "Enrique"
Die Another Day (Title Song)
Don't turn of the light
Umbrella song "good girl turn bad" Rihana

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Presentations For Life Sciences' Topics

A collection of significant and essential "Life Sciences'" topics' presentations is organised here to suit the needs of aspiring "Biology Students", providing them a platform for easy to understand graphical way of learning. Hope students would relish the opportunity and if you've any specific requirements then post them as a comment with utmost details possible. Enjoy!
Agarose gel electrophoresis
DNA Sequencing Maxam-Gilbert Method
Gene Transformation By Poly Ethylene Glycol
Screening Of R-clones
Electro Elution
Indirect Method Of Gene Transfer In Agrobacterium tumifaciens
Plasmids And Phages
Restriction Endonuclease
Tools Of Genetic Engineering
Application of PCR in Gene Cloning
cDNA Library
Bulk Preparation Of Plasmid DNA
cDNA Library 2
Gel Electrophoresis
Mini Preparation Of Plasmid DNA
Restriction Mapping
Northern Blotting
Gene Gun
Major Events Pertaining Biotechnology (Biotech)
Genomic Library
Expression Vectors
Modifying Enzymes and Ligase
Protein Sequencing
Genomic Library 3
Reporter Gene and Immunodetection
Cloning In Prokaryotes
DNA Sequencing
Ligation and Detection Of Tranformed Product
Cosmids and Phagemids
Western Blotting
Insert Preparation
Nucleic Acid Blotting
Cloning A1
Introduction To Molecular Marker Technology
Bulk Preparation Of Genomic DNA
Gene Cloning In Eukaryotes
Molecular Characters Of Tm Of DNA
Vectors For Recombinant DNA Technology
Agrobacterium rhizogenes
Gene Isolation Promoter Analysis
Gene Tagging

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Old melodies

Here are some of the older sonorous songs' collection, download
and enjoy, if you've any specific demand, then you can comment
your desired songs' description here. Have a nice time!

आने वाला पल Aane Waala Pal
वो कागज़ की कश्ती Wo Kagaz Ki Kashti
होठों से छूलो तुम Hothon Se Chhoolo Tum

मेरे भीगी भीगी सी Meri Bheegi Bheegi See

कोई यहां नाचे नाचे Koi Yahaan Nache Nache

Friday, September 28, 2007

Harry Potter And The Deadly Hallows (HP7) Full

Here awaits the latest book by Rowling HP7. If you like it then please reply so that I might know.
Released on July 21, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the most anticipated book of 2007, marks the seventh and final book in J.K. Rowling's magical Harry Potter series. J. K. Rowling’s joint publishing partners, Raincoast Books and Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, are "delighted at the prospect of publishing this most anticipated of books."

Harry is waiting in Privet Drive. The Order of the Phoenix is coming to escort him safely away without Voldemort and his supporters knowing--if they can. But what will Harry do then? How can he fulfil the momentous and seemingly impossible task that Professor Dumbledore has left him with?

Harry has been burdened with a dark and dangerous task: that of locating and destroying Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes. Never has Harry felt so alone, or faced a future so full of shadows. But Harry must somehow find within himself the strength to complete the task he has been given. He must leave the warmth, safety and companionship of The Burrow and follow without fear or hesitation the inexorable path laid out for him...
Download Link: Click Me!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

An Expression of Esteem to "Jana Krishnamurthi"

 25th of September 2007, the day when we lost our great leader, thinker, lawyer and a renowned writer, K. Jana Krishnamurthi.
K. Jana Krishnamurthi (May 24, 1928 – September 25, 2007) was an Indian political leader who rose to be the President of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in 2001. A former Union Law Minister and a member of the Parliament of India, Jana was the first Tamilian to head a national party in India after Kamaraj.
Jana Krishnamurthi was born Madurai in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. An alumnus of the Chennai Law College, he gave up his successful law practice in Madurai in the year 1965. He was persuaded by M.S. Golwalkar, the then chief of the RSS, to enter politics.
An active member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) from 1940, Jana took over as the General Secretary of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh (BJS) in Tamil Nadu at the instance of Atal Behari Vajpayee. He played an active part in building an equity for the relatively unknown BJS in South India.

In 1975 when emergency was declared, he was the secretary of the resistance movement in Tamil Nadu. In 1977 when BJS merged with the Janata Party, he became the General Secretary of that party's Tamil Nadu unit. In 1980, he helped found the Bharathiya Janata Party (BJP) along with Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Lal Krishna Advani, SS Bhandari, Kushabhau Thakre and Jaganatha Rao Joshi. He was the founder National Secretary. In 1983 became one of the General Secretaries and from 1985 he was the Vice-President of the Party.

From 1980 to 1990, he helped the BJP expand in the four Southern states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

In 1993 he moved to Delhi at the request of L. K. Advani and set up the Intellectual Cells of the BJP on Economic, Defence and Foreign Affairs. From 1995 onwards he was in charge of the BJP Head Quarters. He also served as the Spokesperson of the Party. On March 14, 2001 he took over as the President of the BJP from Bangaru Laxman. He held office until June 2002.

Krishnamurthi then became the Union Law Minister in the cabinet of Atal Bihari Vajpayee. He stepped down in a year, due to ill health. He was a Rajya Sabha Member of Parliament from the State of Gujarat and an active member of the Parliament Standing Committees on External Affairs and Defence. He was also the Chairman of the Petitions Committee. His tenure will be remembered for his frank and forthright report on Petrol Adulteration.

 In 1998, Krishnamurthi contested the parliamentary election from South Chennai and lost by a very small margin। he continued to be a member of Rajya Sabha till he died, he will be remembered forever by the folk of India, ऐस महान नेता को अनेकानेक प्रणाम.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Zimbawe weeping!

Today when I was watching BBC news’ "World News" section, I got stumped knowing the economic plight of the southeastern African nation "Zimbawe". A country who elected almost 30 years back, their then favourite and popular revolutionist "Robert Mugabe" now paying its price in the form of severely weakening economic condition of the nation, and light being clearly thrown on the fact that "Mugabe"
fearing not loosing the power, will not sway his desire of hugging more brutal controlling system on
the poor and innocent public of Zimbawe. Writing this post is a step in the direction of making more and more people aware of the acute problem of a nation, full of hopeless people looking anywhere the way of survival. I saw through the above mentioned source, one very old lady, surviving anyhow with her 9 grand children, longing for a small grain of food, wanting of thirst quenching few drops of water. Not to speak of any pure and potable water, there isn’t even the matter named water is available. The old lady was making her playing cards kind of documents count to the veracious journalist covering her story, full of death and disaster, for my sorrowful astonishment, those awkward looking big square playing cards were the “Death Certificates” of her 6 sons who died even before being 30 and their wives, who were also bound to face the similar destiny. Now when asked about the fate of her remaining 9 grand children, which are now in very bold but weak shed of their brave grand mother, she couldn’t restrain the gushing tears from her eyes, stating “They all will die one day, including me.” When she was showing her empty clamping utensils, all I could imagine was the brutal form of destiny, engulfing lives of those innocent Zimbawians. The last word in previous sentence “Zimbawiens” is now not only possessing the proud status of a well defined word in the dictionary but also concealing somewhere the pain and agony of those fighting to live, which we say a very fundamental right of the powerful and universe winning “Human Race”. Even making all possible impossible efforts to attain the most basic amenities, for no avail of anything, their eyes are even now looking sky, with the aura of hope, many families daily try to migrate obviously illegally to “Johansberg, Republic Of South Africa.” Rarest of rare get chance to reach up to safe place where they might find the bestial tasks for them, rest are not entitled for that much grace of the fate. Being killed on the border ropes between these two nations, they’re merely an annoying source of a bad smell, causing trouble to the “Great others”, specially towards the South African side of the border.
In order to get a little quantity of fuel for the vehicle being used, taken on rent by the journalist, he has to pay a nice sum of the degrading day by day Zimbawien currency, again cursed by the same culprit adjective. The flourishing “Black Market” seems to be laughing at the prey called a common Zimbawien. Very rich “White People” can eat food in some big restaurants, offering it for such a heavy sum. Rest is reserved for the vicious politicians and bureaucrats, snatching everything from their own countrymen.
Whoever even tries to whisper a single sigh against the policies of the brutal “Mugabe”, is awarded the prize of horrendous death; other neighbouring countries, specially South Africa, don’t even say anything against “Mugabe”, paying their regards for the support enjoyed by them from “Mugabe” during revolutionary times. Britain is trying to help the people, hope and pray they be successful in their kind endeavor, I’m stopping my typing fingers with the remembrance of the sweet song of thanks sung by those 9 grand children of that brave grand mother, which they sang in the honour of the great foreign journalist, providing them a jewel in the form of a small packet of maize flour, that will be utilized by the family for the next few days of their endangered life, extended life of the flour shall be attained through having it mixed with some great deal of dirty water, seems as if “Common Zimbawien” getting poured into the muddle of “Mugabe and friends.”
Hope you appreciate my effort and do utmost possible help.
Ever yours
Devashish Mishra (“nucleusfermi”)

Northeastern Threat

This writing is written by “Tarun Vijay” and I’m trying my best to spread it all over, please have a reading over it and perform your duty towards our “Mother India”. In expectation of your kind support, in any manner you find supportive, Devashish Mishra “Nucleusfermi”

Visiting Nagaland makes you feel different. You have to procure an inner line permit to enter. The permit demands to know why I am going there, where I shall stay and to be sure about my credentials I needed a guaranteer to vouch for me, my safe conduct and return within the stated period. Issued by the deputy commissioner's office this permit is governed under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation Act 1873. Yes, 1873.
The British left India in 1947. We are celebrating the 60th anniversary of that freedom obtained after our motherland's division and the massacres that followed. Still, I needed a permit, something that the British began to isolate these regions in the name of 'protecting' the local indigenous people. The same procedure is also in vogue in Arunachal Pradesh.
So, we, legitimate Indians, are required to obtain a permit -- another name for a 'visa' -- but these states are reeling under the heat of illegal Muslim infiltrators from Bangladesh, who, obviously do not need to get an permit to enter, buy land, marry local girls and become so dominant that even the state authorities feel afraid to oust them.
Arunachal Pradesh's student bodies recently compelled Chief Minister Dorjee Khandu to
take action against the Bangladeshis. So what did he do? He pushed a couple of thousands to Assam and the matter ended. In Assam it created a furore. The Muslim bodies, specially the All Assam Minorities Students Union, threatened to oust Hindus from Muslim majority districts like Dhubri, Goalpara and Barpeta, so Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi 'certified' that all those ousted by the Arunachal Pradesh government are Assamese and shall be accommodated in Barpeta!
The situation is so serious and Delhi's apathy so mindboggling that the people have lost all hope. The All Assam Students Union, which spearheaded an unprecedented movement in the 1980s to oust Bangladeshi infiltrators, has in utter desperation said that in the next ten years Assam may have a Bangladeshi chief minister. Strong and alarming words indeed.
But neither the media nor the political parties paid any attention.
Assam has been transformed beyond recognition. The state's cultural identity is symbolised by the great reformer and rejuvenator Srimat Sankar Dev. His birthlace in Dhing, near Bardowa, is a must-visit pilgrim centre for every Assamese Hindu. Now the Dhing assembly constituency has 90.02 percent Muslims. No prizes to guess how this Hindu pilgrim centre became a Muslim majority town because of the Bangladeshi influx.
Assam's latest political star is Maulana Badruddin Ajmal, a perfume tycoon, who formed a new political party, the United Democratic Front, in 2005 and won 10 seats in the 2006 assembly election, surprising everyone. Previously he used to remote control other secular parties. Now he has taken the reins in his hands.
Assam and other northeastern states have become more volatile than Kashmir, but Delhi's page three media and corrupt polity don't see beyond their immediate concerns.
After Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, it is Nagaland's turn now. Bangladeshi jihadi factories supplying men and material are creating havoc from Itanagar to Kohima and Hyderabad.
They are there before everybody's eyes, yet no government has shown a steely resolve to identify them and send them back. Aliens are turned into voters for political gain. The lines dividing traitors and patriots are getting blurred. Patriotic people need permits, they are made to live a refugee's life, but aliens feel quite confident and vocal to aggressively enter our country, bomb it and yet find sympathies in the corridors of power.
In Nagaland, people are sandwiched between the insurgent groups and the Bangladeshi influx. The headquarters of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Issac-Muivah group) is in Hebron, 30 odd kilometres from Dimapur. Everywhere, while going to Kohima one can see posters demanding 'quick results of peace talks' and a greater Nagalim which they want in the name of Christ -- a separate independent country. According to government sources there are about 75,000 Bangladeshi Muslims in Nagaland today.
I had come to attend a seminar organised by a daring tribal organisation, the Janajati Vikas Samiti, which had invited about 80 participants from the northeastern states. Nagaland Home Minister Thenucho inaugurated the conference. Former state secretary C M Chang headed the organising committee. It was incredible to see so many tribal leaders engrossed in what can be termed a free discussion on the problems Nagaland faces -- Bangladeshi infiltration being the foremost.
Minister Thenucho was forthcoming and said this problem has to be seen as a demographic invasion. 'The Naga people may be soon reduced to miserable sufferers by these infiltrators, who may appear as an asset for providing cheap labour and easily available hands for menial jobs. But look what they have done elsewhere and there is no guarantee that they will not do the same here. Today they work as labourers; tomorrow Nagas will have to work for them, if we do not stand up and say no to them,' the minister said. He was serious.
The only problem is the Centre does not share their anxieties. Nothing that binds Naga society with the rest of the country has ever been encouraged and strengthened. Natwar Thakkar started his Gandhi ashram in Mokukchang but could never expand his mission of spreading Gandhi's sublime thoughts beyond that.
To be in Kohima is still considered a matter of fear, pregnant with life and death questions. There is no icon of India that can be seen here. In the early 1980s a Gandhi statue was installed in Kohima, only to be desecrated and destroyed soon. 'Nagaland doesn't need any Indian's statue' was the decree issued by the insurgents.
Almost everyone, from IAS officers to traders and teachers, have to cough up a part of their earnings to the insurgents. Their 'freedom days', 'republic days' are celebrated in full public view with the media from Kolkata and Delhi in attendance. Presently there is a ceasefire between the NSCN (IM) and the Indian Army, but rumours are afloat that this period has been better utilised by the insurgents to reinforce its battalions with new recruits, procure better weapons and resources to press for its demand for an 'independent 'Nagalim', which seeks to 'add' parts of Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh to its fold.
This has enraged Manipuri and Arunachali tribals and a tribal war cannot be ruled out if the Naga insurgents' demand is given any sympathy.
The press is lively but cocooned in its own world. "We have never been invited to join any prime minister's party on his foreign visits, Delhi and Kolkata papers reach us very late, after a day or two, that too the dak edition,' said Geoffrey Yaden, editor of the Nagaland Post, the main daily newspaper in the state. "They don't understand us properly, they write to please their egos. Nobody has the time and interest to understand our people or to make serious efforts to create bridges and strengthen national feelings here. Are politicians sitting in Delhi are bothered about us or the nation?" he lamented.
I know it is very difficult to have a Delhi leader or social activist or cultural tsar to find time for a northeast visit. How many of us would go to Manipur or Nagaland or Arunachal for a family trip? Do we know that the most scintillating lakes, mountains, rivers and forests are in the northeast, bettering even Kashmir's panorama? Unfortunately the northeast has yet to register in our minds as markedly as Hardwar, Manali, Goa [Images] or Rameshwaram.
Corruption to the northeast's politicians is 'taught' by politicians in New Delhi. Even to get a central grant released for these states, central ministers and their durbaris have to be suitably 'pleased'. The grants that go to the northeast finally come back in large parts to the Delhi durbar through traders, contractors, commission agents and sanctioning ministers.
The rest is divided amongst local 'beneficiaries', including the insurgents.
In view of the infiltration threat faced by Nagaland and other northeastern states, an observation by E Ramamohan, the former director general, Border Security Force, who was with me in Kohima, should be an eyeopener. He warns about the insurgent groups' long-term planning for 2015 -- "Today there are several Islamic fundamentalist insurgent groups in Assam, all created with the help of the Director General Forces Intelligence of Bangladesh and Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence. The main groups are the Muslim United Liberation Front of Assam, the Muslim United Tigers of Assam and the Islamic Liberation Army of Assam... what is most interesting that these Islamic fundamentalist groups have not started operations so far. Interrogations of the suspects and intelligence reports have revealed that they are in a preparation phase. Motivating and recruiting cadres, training them in Pakistan, stockpiling arms and explosives for the insurgency is their present strategy. The target is (to launch an assault) in 2015."
Why can't we understand that India shrinks from every inch that is occupied by Bangladeshi infiltrators in our territory? In less than 100 years India has shrunk like no other nation on earth.
We lost Taxila, Karachi, Dhaka. Post independence, we lost 1.25 lakh square kilometres of land to Pakistan and China. Beijing [Images] still eyes Arunachal Pradesh.
Then Indians lost lands and homes in the Kashmir valley and became refugees for the 'sin' of supporting India. Now, jihadis, Maoists and church-supported insurgents want their share.
Where will this all lead to? All the power, position, money and glitter weigh nothing before the question of the nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity. At least in the northeast, people feel nobody listens to their woes in Delhi.