Monday, August 3, 2009

When "Democracy" chooses

[Only thing I hate about taking enormous systems for absolute consideration is that one has to start neglecting exponentially many characteristics, which, with the growing size, tends to be even primer.]

We read many writings that Indian democracy is yet to be matured, specially for getting evaluated with the economic, social and military scenario of this era. I truly find it as an exaggerated remark. On this level of integration, individuals’ philosophies hold more ground that too which are not necessarily pertaining choosing a governing body, so why to stamp immaturity based upon the timeline? Epitomizing this, I must write about literacy and education being intimately connected with the democratic array. Apart from this core parameter, one interesting; for telling which, I am writing it; is that suppose one is said to choose its master, will it choose the principle centric, tougher, more for the ideals than for the pragmatics person? In many cases certainly not. It must go for rather modest option. But alarmingly national interest doesn’t buy this element of selfishness and hail for sacrifice of individual’s interest for the bigger picture. Unfortunately democratic framework grossly undermines this peculiar prospect. A system that kicks out 60 years’ nationalistic service for the dull clerkship, is a potential hazard for the national interest, I beg for the sincere apology, if I hurt someone’s feelings, as I know neither my age nor my knowledge and experience about this earthly life, permit me to write it so blatantly, but I am being unable to halt this flow of emotions in my heart, which says me a big mistake by my brothers and sisters, is committed that could harm my nation’s future.