Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Diseases and their causes

"A general overview"

When we cannot work optimally, both on mental and physical fronts (social being secondary to it , as many others), we are in disease. What are the optimum capabilities of one's body, is a factor determined by that person's level of content, therefore if you feel , you are doing the best as you want to, you are fit and healthy. So satisfaction is the parameter, I believe, which gauge your health an determines whether you are in disease or not. For practical purpose, present human race agree upon below mentioned proven set of words.

A pathological condition of a part, organ or system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection , genetic-defect or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms is “Disease”. Lack of ease is “disease”.

Ayurveda, describes the cause of disease as imbalance among three substances- 'vaat' (air), 'pitt'. (bile), 'kaff' (cough). The “Tridosha”. The deviation from their naturally balanced proportion, causes disease.

Modern science with its path-breaking discoveries reveal, there are physical and mental (psychological)factors, responsible for causing disease. They can be living , non- living or even in between (like 'virus'). I mark it as a “Fate and food chain theory,”disease caused by non living substances is the 'Fate', like rusting of Iron. The “Fate” is a natural phenomenon as mass and energy keep varying their states, on the prime scale of time. The living beings or the intermediates, play their role as the composition of the food chain. As a lion eats a deer or a mite resides upon a cattle and live its life, similarly human beings are also not an exception for susceptibility to various other life- forms to be' hunted'. Just the level and form of conspicuousness is different.

Conclusively, it appears, the transformation of energy , acquiring the ground state for a stable energy equilibrium, is the ultimate rule, which stamps “who/what, will be where.” That I described as “Fate and Food Chain Theory of the Causation of Disease.” Actually this is the quite absolute theory, establishing the general rule of mother nature.

I shall incorporate rather pragmatic, commonly involved “pathogens” and their pathogenic nature and capabilities, in many future writings.