Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Does an adversarial system only encourage more adversaries?

The extremely regarded, liberal and intellectual theories of Democracy, Judicial systems and for the great extent, the modern learned society itself, are based upon the adversaries that serve like a rainbow, the charm of the pleasant rain. On execution, the usual notion is, adversaries harm the resources to diminish the process, actually it’s more of a systemic failure, in which one of the sub set is not kept in isolation from the other thus these two totally separate processes of “Pondering” and “Execution” get mixed upfor the devastation. To resolute, we keep on reminding ourselves, “Once decided, we must go for it!”
Simply putting, there is no alternative to adaptation. For caring our self respect, we can take the entire multiverse equivalent to ourselves, in this way; we never fight to the “Others” but always contemplate within ourselves. The renowned phrases of “God is one, who resides in every particle,” “Guru is the greatest” (Guru means the big) etc, all signify this quite fundamental law of the time and energy web around us.
I remind the days when I’d go to buy vegetables; precisely instructed by my mother to bring the fresh and the better quality ones. Being exceedingly honest, till date I can’t differentiate among the better and worse tomatoes but though I was of the strong opinion that the one with a bright red colour, shining like a glitter, is far better that the one with a dull colour, suffering from the blemishes. After being deceivedfor several times, I resolute on bringing the mixture and believe me my mother was far happier than before. The gist is, as we know that we don’t know all, let us give our surroundings a chance to teach us better. They can be in the form of other human beings or even the unanimated objects but simultaneously remember to isolate the execution part from the contemplating one.
The radical dictator residing in every desiring soul is keen to formulate the path of biased radicalism but the noetic stays at using theadversaries as the weapons for us and not against us. This is a stark truth that no one is Superman to have an amazing array of merits to establish the nature as it wishes then under such circumstances the only way to go ahead is having asystem that provides equal opportunities of expressing the concerns and views of every wishing part.
One major disadvantage can be of having a smart spoiled soul that manipulates the facts and mould the arguments such that its dark intentions get the approval of thesystem . On comparing up, the ravaging caused by the dictator named “Hitler” looks largely looming than that of the one cited before. If we’ve the faith in “Satyamev Jayate, Nanritam” (truth always wins, not the lie), then our fear about abovementioned consideration subdues itself a bit.
In a civilized society, the argumentative nature of the units never leaves out any scope for the great straight nodding. The justice framework of past would enact certain individuals, regarded as “Kazis or judges”, who would investigate and state the conclusion as well, on their own. But the society that even Crucified Jesus Christ, simply has a nullfor such alternatives.
Ultimately we must adhere to the truth that arguments are the meshwork of the functionality, which are as detachable, integral and formative part of the humankind as the threads of the garment, once pulled out, nothing remains.
The great visionaries of the past have also preached that no matter, even being against, the right to say will be protected by the rights. The present situation of the Indian judicialsystem that is capacitating huge number of pending cases of various degree of startlingly longer time-span, nourishes the notion of an anti adversarial rhetoric. Inquisitorialsystem evokes even further elements of mutual distrust and associated bias.
Co-existence of distinguishable units highly depends upon complicated parameters, governed by a wide range of rationales. It can be an explicit reality that unnecessary arguments pops in and out every now and then but then we ought to bear the dictum that “for gaining something, some things are to be compromised.” Of course for it, we never lose our feelings of hope for creating a “Utopia”, but yes, we do preserve the component of practicality within.
The variety in itself is the most vibrant property that can be relished for picking up the proper pick. Indian culture has a very long lasting, historical practice of “Shastrartha”, under which arguments play the pivotal role, standing tallfor the tested feasibility of adversarial system over the face of time. Reasoning and contentions are the fuel to produce refined mentality, which further transforms into the justified decisions that we takefor our cumulative interests.
Within the purview of productivity, the encouragement for adversaries provided by the adversarial system is in reality the soul of progress, both scientifically as well as spiritually. The negative impacts can be limited by drawing the proper set of rules or “protocol”, empowering us to extrapolate the nectar out of the vivid flora. The essential isolation of execution and brooding makes sure the hindering effect of the invalid arguments is kept minimized.
Every statement must be scanned for the criterion of truth and justice, the adversarial system presents us with this unique virtue as the generated counter arguments or assertions form the criterion that has both the qualities of being rigid and flexiblefor the assessment to be even unadulterated. If the advocates of such systems, by which I mean both who advocate for this system and advocate within this system, be holy with their intentions and their means, we find the qualities of such system to be multiplied several folds.
The success of adversarial system definitely rests on the essence of “integration.” Deendayaal Upadhyaay, late former railway minister of India, wrote a book titles as “Ekatma Maanavataavaad” (Integral Mankind), in which he writes about how the thread of affection glueshuman beings to human beings , this natural integration can be further strengthened to form the humankind a formidable force of the future that sustains “Raam Rajya”. This level of integration can only be achieved, ifwe can provide each and every human being, the right to argue and present its viewpoints.
The corruption within such system, the role of dark forces like money, social influence and all, are considered slightly deviating issues by me but since they define the practical functionality of the system , I must press upon the need of a basic revival of morality in the society that can only be developed by incorporating religion in our day to day life.
Thus the adversarial system not only encourages both positive and negative adversaries but also does provide a practical tool to all for putting forth their thinking and enable the aura of hope to be spread over to enlighten people for the broadmindedness, self limiting its complications. Even if we try to create a system deviating from this, adversaries will always be popping in as it is the universal law of this nature, which ads the flavor of variety to already quite a queer taste of this earthly life. The best way to eliminate any negativity appended with it is to incorporate religious values in our routine life that teaches the path to salvation and not the materialism for perpetual starvation.

Devashish Narayana Mishra