Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Democracy- the number game- Part 1

I have written similar topic once before somewhere as well, wanted to reiterate with the context of present elections, "the decision 09", as they're described by one of the prominent media group. We've been discussing about a few key issues of the importance, for this poll. When it comes to defining principles, their implications on a nation as a whole, we're to rely upon those primitive faces that we often come in contact with while visiting the rural areas or even metropolitan slums. As we're aware of the fact most of them comprise the major chunk who decides the fate of the country. Their criteria may be in variety, essentially not existed on logical interfaces but mostly influenced by politics of separatism or any other vice that we may perceive in this unity in variety society. It must then strike in our minds that shouldn't there be some mechanism of filtering out such potentially hazardous voters for the well being of nation and its boasting largest democracy of the world?

I tolerate the fact that with democracy there comes numerous of ideas, aspirations of differing kinds, many view points and even more corruption but that we somehow manage for the sake of stability and human rights but when these augmentations embrace totally incompetent units just because of lack of political will of the parties that are largely dependent on fooling such people rather than working honestly for the country, then it must knock the minds of intellectual machinery who want to do something for the refinement and betterment of the society and thus the nation. It was quite arguable when we attain freedom, initially it was hard to find literates in a society which was the innocent victim of cruel colonization but later on, there must have been serious efforts made to filter out the harbingers of the future forming for the country we love the most. Like reservations, this also became a malignant disease of the society and still is not considered veraciously even by the responsible citizens. I am not at all pressing on snatching rights of the poor who were deprived of education because of economic reasons and old people who are themselves with the experience of choosing the better but I am strictly pressing upon the fact that why there wasn't any beginning on such an important issue at least 25-30 years back by invoking rules such as citizens pertaining families with more than certain amount of income must be at least literate if not the graduate for casting their votes? It must have spurred the quality of governance as well as the will of people to learn more. Even from now on, there can be deadlines set up, for the economically competent citizens to attain a certain level of education so that their thinking perspectives might get broader and ultimately we begin a process of creating an environment which will in future yield time when the nation's polity won't run over the issues like cast, creed, religion, language etc. but on rather logically justified and crucial issues of both short and long term importance.