Monday, December 1, 2008

India, a pseudo democracy!

After seeing so many advertising campaigns, people asking for "Jaago India Jaago" etc. I just want to ask a simple question to them, whom to vote? My lesgislative assembly consistuency is reserved for specific cast, I myself would love to contest elections from there but I can't, I have no options to choose from, then how can I vote? They keep saying it'll strengthen democracy, which democracy they talk about? Is it a justified system in which we're to hail for our democracy? Their must be a vast movement for revolution against discreminitory policies like "Reservations" in every aspect of state's structure, such as political, educational or any of the other kinds. After recent Mumbai attacks, it's become even more pathetic to vote for such people who only to save their vote banks, don't act against the culprits and hamper procedures of having tougher laws for terrorism, and that too when supreme court has to say itself that "Terrorism is not a Law & Order subject, but a blatant war against state." Then why centre is not able to fasten processes of installing mechanisms such as federal agencies or even without them, I think task can be accomplished by mututal determination to eradicate such a menace, I am warning all politicians of this generation that if their soft and timid approach continues like this then it will ripe as a severe threat to our Nation's integrity and we shall attain nothing but malice among ourself which will ultimately tear our "Unity in variety" strength. We strongly need to refurbish our infra structure for safeguard, both external and internal, for this a sheer detechment of such issues from politicians is the primary necessity. If state governments can't act after so particular and well orchestrated intelligence and can't erect systems to assure safty of the citizens, then it's a clear state of administrative failure and we need to reconstitute the entire framework all over again to make sure that these enemies are neutralized and our "BharatVarsh" is saved and remain peaceful and prosperous till eternity. It's not just that citizens are feeling unsafe that's why they are angry, in reality if I can atleast talk on my behalf, then I would say I am rather unhappy because it's an insult to my Motherland and I am feeling ashamed of myself who failed to secure the self respect of my country and thus the stature of my Bharat. Let's see what the future has to unfold, readers, please convey the message to as many places as possible & do reply with your views, Bharat Mata Ki Jai!