Friday, September 21, 2007

Zimbawe weeping!

Today when I was watching BBC news’ "World News" section, I got stumped knowing the economic plight of the southeastern African nation "Zimbawe". A country who elected almost 30 years back, their then favourite and popular revolutionist "Robert Mugabe" now paying its price in the form of severely weakening economic condition of the nation, and light being clearly thrown on the fact that "Mugabe"
fearing not loosing the power, will not sway his desire of hugging more brutal controlling system on
the poor and innocent public of Zimbawe. Writing this post is a step in the direction of making more and more people aware of the acute problem of a nation, full of hopeless people looking anywhere the way of survival. I saw through the above mentioned source, one very old lady, surviving anyhow with her 9 grand children, longing for a small grain of food, wanting of thirst quenching few drops of water. Not to speak of any pure and potable water, there isn’t even the matter named water is available. The old lady was making her playing cards kind of documents count to the veracious journalist covering her story, full of death and disaster, for my sorrowful astonishment, those awkward looking big square playing cards were the “Death Certificates” of her 6 sons who died even before being 30 and their wives, who were also bound to face the similar destiny. Now when asked about the fate of her remaining 9 grand children, which are now in very bold but weak shed of their brave grand mother, she couldn’t restrain the gushing tears from her eyes, stating “They all will die one day, including me.” When she was showing her empty clamping utensils, all I could imagine was the brutal form of destiny, engulfing lives of those innocent Zimbawians. The last word in previous sentence “Zimbawiens” is now not only possessing the proud status of a well defined word in the dictionary but also concealing somewhere the pain and agony of those fighting to live, which we say a very fundamental right of the powerful and universe winning “Human Race”. Even making all possible impossible efforts to attain the most basic amenities, for no avail of anything, their eyes are even now looking sky, with the aura of hope, many families daily try to migrate obviously illegally to “Johansberg, Republic Of South Africa.” Rarest of rare get chance to reach up to safe place where they might find the bestial tasks for them, rest are not entitled for that much grace of the fate. Being killed on the border ropes between these two nations, they’re merely an annoying source of a bad smell, causing trouble to the “Great others”, specially towards the South African side of the border.
In order to get a little quantity of fuel for the vehicle being used, taken on rent by the journalist, he has to pay a nice sum of the degrading day by day Zimbawien currency, again cursed by the same culprit adjective. The flourishing “Black Market” seems to be laughing at the prey called a common Zimbawien. Very rich “White People” can eat food in some big restaurants, offering it for such a heavy sum. Rest is reserved for the vicious politicians and bureaucrats, snatching everything from their own countrymen.
Whoever even tries to whisper a single sigh against the policies of the brutal “Mugabe”, is awarded the prize of horrendous death; other neighbouring countries, specially South Africa, don’t even say anything against “Mugabe”, paying their regards for the support enjoyed by them from “Mugabe” during revolutionary times. Britain is trying to help the people, hope and pray they be successful in their kind endeavor, I’m stopping my typing fingers with the remembrance of the sweet song of thanks sung by those 9 grand children of that brave grand mother, which they sang in the honour of the great foreign journalist, providing them a jewel in the form of a small packet of maize flour, that will be utilized by the family for the next few days of their endangered life, extended life of the flour shall be attained through having it mixed with some great deal of dirty water, seems as if “Common Zimbawien” getting poured into the muddle of “Mugabe and friends.”
Hope you appreciate my effort and do utmost possible help.
Ever yours
Devashish Mishra (“nucleusfermi”)