Friday, August 14, 2009

Is America behind Swine Flu?

Since the economic downturn is swallowing capitalist Americans, speculations have been spreading whether USA created H1N1 virus for spurring up its so called “one and only” miracle medicine “Tamiflu”? As this medicine's patent is entirely under an American firm with which former American defence minister “Donald Rumsfield” is also associated with. America had gathers crores (billions) of liquidity through this Swine Flu menace and independent Centre for disease control, which is in America itself and well renowned investigative journalist and former officer of National security agency in America, Wayne Medson (sorry if I spelled it wrong) suspected this Virus to be entirely unnatural and having a mixture genetic code of viruses such as Bird Flu, Human Flu, Eurasian Flu. USA has been notoriously famous for its biochemical warfare experimentation and if not the government, there can be other source of this conspiracy as according to NEWS sources, some dangerous Virus samples are found missing from American Military Contagious Disease research centre in fort Detric.
The company that has the patent, has many government officials including Donald Rumsfield as its share holder, later being in Director-board from 1987, since its establishment. Now should all world also begin war against America? Well, at least they did the same with Iraq, and as we also don't have substantial evidence but they also are on the same state as we do. Peace for all, long live the mankind.
Devashish Narayana Mishra