Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Jaswant Singh's Expelling is regrettable

A political party can not be with the composition of leaders with A to Z similar ideology. There are differences over many issues, specially regarding Historical facts and view-point to gaze them. If there is some gross anomaly, it could be sorted out with mutual understanding and at least if the expelling is inevitable, there must be a dignified procedure laid down, with which the ruling is declared.
The founder member, who served 30 years to the Party, can and must not be expelled in the way that Jaswant Singh has been. Many people see it as a whip on a soft target, for the reason of Advani being surviving even after saying Jinnah a secular leader in his Pakistan journey.
If our major political parties behave like this, then what should we rely upon? Is the thinking processes within these parties are lost? Shouldn't there be a sense of analyzing what happened in the past, and from what point of view, with what proofs we can see it? If it continues this way, then internal and individual thinking process of a leader will be buried under the sand of Political power games, as in this case, since RSS was with the demand of a strong decision, so expelling had to happen! And without RSS'es ground work, BJP can't sail its power ferry.
Even I don't subscribe completely to what jaswant Singh writes but there must be a freedom of speech and thinking, so what if he is a part of the political organization like BJP, he hadn't challenged party's agenda; to mould its position over Jinnah or anything in that regard, he had simply written the book, and if Party is strongly against it, it must have conveyed it to him and first ought to have sought for volunteer resignation. There could have been a debate over the issue and proper time frame must have made available to the author to describe his views more in detail.
It's now like a worker shown pink slip, after all political parties are intellectual properties of a Nation, if they behave in this harsh manner, then where does their credibility towards Nation stays? Can we rely upon such hasty parties to reign the country? I am deeply disappointed and regret this unjustified decision taken by BJP leadership; today for the first time I am seriously contemplating of forming my own political party one day, which will surely be a lot open in terms of ideological flexibility and principle centric approach specially to its veteran leaders. Even if an elderly member of family does something wrong, can younger throw him out in this way? This is not at all my Hindu culture tells me, neither it serves the basis of being a political organization in the world's oldest civilization.
Devashish Narayana Mishra.

Pakistan is waging Economic Terrorism against India, another base trick of a Bigot!

For past few months, from many parts of our country, fake currency-consignments have been ceased. They are proven to be routed through various routes, including our Nepali, Chinese, Myanmar, Afgan and Paki border but the alarming fact is, they all are printed in Pakistan, most of the printing presses with ISI and government of Pakistan's support, are printing up not their but our currency, in order to destabilize the Indian Economy. With these elevations and fluctuations in liquidity, it's likely that the prices of essential commodities would increase uncontrollably; Pakistan is as mean as ever, they have spoiled themselves in the way of trying to destroy India by taming terrorist organisations like Harkat-Ul-Dawa, Mujahidins etc, and of course who could forget their joint creation with America, The Taliban, with whom it's pretending to fight when they have started creeping up these deceivers' heads.
It's a time for us to be very careful as our Government, on the name of Minority assistance, always try to woo Muslim votes and anyone can make out a big chunk of Muslims in India have placed Islam ahead of Mother India and many of them supports pakistan, just because they don't like secular India. Without their active support, it's impossible that such a big scale scam could ever have taken place. In the fight against Global economic downturn, India was far ahead compared with its western counterparts, these attempts are another poisonous strike of the snake lying nearby us, kill it or beware of the consequences.

Devashish Narayana Mishra.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

“Sins never forgive”

A mother can't even see any sin of her son, a Father forgives. A teacher forgives. A friend forgives. A fan can forgive, even the stranger can forgive. But the Sins themselves never forgive you. Claded with dark vestment, the lord Time Himself arrives in the dark from the darkest, the ghost of past grabs you from behind, the pain then radiates in nerves, tears display the bleak sense of regret with the wetness of sorrow, they dry but not the sorrow. The sorrow of Sins, really, believe me, but never try; Anger, the short term madness, dies; breaths keep you to live but the Sins never forgive.

Devashish Narayana Mishra.

Diseases and their causes

A general overview

When we cannot work optimally, both on mental and physical fronts (social being secondary to it , as many others), we are in disease. What are the optimum capabilities of one's body, is a factor determined by that person's level of content, therefore if you feel , you are doing the best as you want to, you are fit and healthy. So satisfaction is the parameter, I believe, which gauge your health an determines whether you are in disease or not. For practical purpose, present human race agree upon below mentioned proven set of words.

A pathological condition of a part, organ or system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection , genetic-defect or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms is “Disease”. Lack of ease is “disease”.

Ayurveda, describes the cause of disease as imbalance among three substances- 'vaat' (air), 'pitt'. (bile), 'kaff' (cough). The “Tridosha”. The deviation from their naturally balanced proportion, causes disease.

Modern science with its path-breaking discoveries reveal, there are physical and mental (psychological)factors, responsible for causing disease. They can be living , non- living or even in between (like 'virus'). I mark it as a “Fate and food chain theory,”disease caused by non living substances is the 'Fate', like rusting of Iron. The “Fate” is a natural phenomenon as mass and energy keep varying their states, on the prime scale of time. The living beings or the intermediates, play their role as the composition of the food chain. As a lion eats a deer or a mite resides upon a cattle and live its life, similarly human beings are also not an exception for susceptibility to various other life- forms to be' hunted'. Just the level and form of conspicuousness is different.

Conclusively, it appears, the transformation of energy , acquiring the ground state for a stable energy equilibrium, is the ultimate rule, which stamps “who/what, will be where.” That I described as “Fate and Food Chain Theory of the Causation of Disease.” Actually this is the quite absolute theory, establishing the general rule of mother nature.

I shall incorporate rather pragmatic, commonly involved “pathogens” and their pathogenic nature and capabilities, in many future writings.


Friday, August 14, 2009

Is America behind Swine Flu?

Since the economic downturn is swallowing capitalist Americans, speculations have been spreading whether USA created H1N1 virus for spurring up its so called “one and only” miracle medicine “Tamiflu”? As this medicine's patent is entirely under an American firm with which former American defence minister “Donald Rumsfield” is also associated with. America had gathers crores (billions) of liquidity through this Swine Flu menace and independent Centre for disease control, which is in America itself and well renowned investigative journalist and former officer of National security agency in America, Wayne Medson (sorry if I spelled it wrong) suspected this Virus to be entirely unnatural and having a mixture genetic code of viruses such as Bird Flu, Human Flu, Eurasian Flu. USA has been notoriously famous for its biochemical warfare experimentation and if not the government, there can be other source of this conspiracy as according to NEWS sources, some dangerous Virus samples are found missing from American Military Contagious Disease research centre in fort Detric.
The company that has the patent, has many government officials including Donald Rumsfield as its share holder, later being in Director-board from 1987, since its establishment. Now should all world also begin war against America? Well, at least they did the same with Iraq, and as we also don't have substantial evidence but they also are on the same state as we do. Peace for all, long live the mankind.
Devashish Narayana Mishra

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Diseases and their causes

"A general overview"

When we cannot work optimally, both on mental and physical fronts (social being secondary to it , as many others), we are in disease. What are the optimum capabilities of one's body, is a factor determined by that person's level of content, therefore if you feel , you are doing the best as you want to, you are fit and healthy. So satisfaction is the parameter, I believe, which gauge your health an determines whether you are in disease or not. For practical purpose, present human race agree upon below mentioned proven set of words.

A pathological condition of a part, organ or system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection , genetic-defect or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms is “Disease”. Lack of ease is “disease”.

Ayurveda, describes the cause of disease as imbalance among three substances- 'vaat' (air), 'pitt'. (bile), 'kaff' (cough). The “Tridosha”. The deviation from their naturally balanced proportion, causes disease.

Modern science with its path-breaking discoveries reveal, there are physical and mental (psychological)factors, responsible for causing disease. They can be living , non- living or even in between (like 'virus'). I mark it as a “Fate and food chain theory,”disease caused by non living substances is the 'Fate', like rusting of Iron. The “Fate” is a natural phenomenon as mass and energy keep varying their states, on the prime scale of time. The living beings or the intermediates, play their role as the composition of the food chain. As a lion eats a deer or a mite resides upon a cattle and live its life, similarly human beings are also not an exception for susceptibility to various other life- forms to be' hunted'. Just the level and form of conspicuousness is different.

Conclusively, it appears, the transformation of energy , acquiring the ground state for a stable energy equilibrium, is the ultimate rule, which stamps “who/what, will be where.” That I described as “Fate and Food Chain Theory of the Causation of Disease.” Actually this is the quite absolute theory, establishing the general rule of mother nature.

I shall incorporate rather pragmatic, commonly involved “pathogens” and their pathogenic nature and capabilities, in many future writings.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Commercialization of Education

Not only in Indian but also in all cultures, learning and education have been assigned a sacred place and value. In modern era, where Silicon rules; we see this character in many open source computer projects. We've been relishing the fruits of Capitalism; the system, which on one hand rewards merit but on the other hand permits countless ways of corruption and exploitation. Generally, the aware mankind has established various control mechanisms and more or less working modalities, forming a hybrid of Socialism and Capitalism. For the Education-aspect of our society, in the context of a vast, developing country India; privet unaided institutions form the backbone. The government is yet to set up a quality support for the learning and training. Population, lack of will power, mismanagement of resources, improper channelizing of ideas and crippled executive machinery are a few of the prime causes behind it.
There are many organizations of all sorts of backings, like RSS (Rashtreeya Swayamsevak Sangh), various NGOs etc. that have framed a semi governmental array but one can't think of an education-system in a Capitalistic society that is not flooded with Institutes, using the education card for merely making economic profit. Though many of them are not “born corrupt” but an absolute deduction from a trust to a merchandise is seen mostly, if not one then after two or three generations of the parent.
Yesterday, Supreme Court of India reiterated that fees-hike for unaided privet institutes, specially referring to junior and high schools, is and will be the subject of approval of the State governments. The court further added, for those schools, which are functioning for making economic profit, can't invest the money earned in other sectors; now here my mind got struck, when I heard the melodious lady news-reader's voice, chirping the contrast as “schools that are running to make profit (economic as I understood),” worries and sorrows were obvious. The middle economic strata of our society looks for better education and facilities for their loved ones, the zest ends up admitting kids in “five star” schools, shining with the fuel of parents of our little stars', hard earned money.
I strictly don't blame primarily to those “School-lords”, who run brand chains; reducing “the holy Ashram” to a roadside restaurant, as the blame on them is secondary. The primary onus of providing fair, productive, application based, knowledgeable education and training to the citizens is on behest of the Government. The government is passing bills like “right to education, “Free education schemes up to certain level for girls, “Education for adults; but I never saw their, what to speak of efficient, even the minimal execution! The superficial filing job, lethargically accomplished by the government clerks, is the only outcome of so expensive budget allocations, for which tax payers are donkeying day & night. I must not blame the public directly to it, as for every matter, our renowned pundits, the golden celebrity–vocal cords, ultimately ask for public movements to sort out such issues, I, being irritated, ask them, what they think, for these all idealistic, executive issues, we should erect forum and oppose the government with a movement? This can only yield the impractical little. We need selfless leaders, who are committed to make difference; with more smarter and pragmatic ways; smart-work is much better than the blind hard-work with those futile few movements, ending up in forming a trust that will be the same factory after a few years, against which it was founded.
I am much impressed by these open source projects, running over the computing world, they are so much enhanced with the supportive framework of web, that have become from local to the world wide initiatives, giving meaning to “world wide web”. I see the future of education, lies in this intricacy of inter connectivity, it will certainly channelize the process properly and would reduce the cost. Therefore governments must explore better possibilities for education system as well, inspired by such “Open Source Projects“, If any reader has complaint about the solution part being shorter, inconclusive and incomplete; blame our electricity-department and lesser battery life of my laptop.


Monday, August 3, 2009

When "Democracy" chooses

[Only thing I hate about taking enormous systems for absolute consideration is that one has to start neglecting exponentially many characteristics, which, with the growing size, tends to be even primer.]

We read many writings that Indian democracy is yet to be matured, specially for getting evaluated with the economic, social and military scenario of this era. I truly find it as an exaggerated remark. On this level of integration, individuals’ philosophies hold more ground that too which are not necessarily pertaining choosing a governing body, so why to stamp immaturity based upon the timeline? Epitomizing this, I must write about literacy and education being intimately connected with the democratic array. Apart from this core parameter, one interesting; for telling which, I am writing it; is that suppose one is said to choose its master, will it choose the principle centric, tougher, more for the ideals than for the pragmatics person? In many cases certainly not. It must go for rather modest option. But alarmingly national interest doesn’t buy this element of selfishness and hail for sacrifice of individual’s interest for the bigger picture. Unfortunately democratic framework grossly undermines this peculiar prospect. A system that kicks out 60 years’ nationalistic service for the dull clerkship, is a potential hazard for the national interest, I beg for the sincere apology, if I hurt someone’s feelings, as I know neither my age nor my knowledge and experience about this earthly life, permit me to write it so blatantly, but I am being unable to halt this flow of emotions in my heart, which says me a big mistake by my brothers and sisters, is committed that could harm my nation’s future.