Life is the precious creation of Time and energy web around us. The life on earth, thus the Mankind, holds this cherished essence yet it seems we are going in some negative direction for influencing our surroundings with hazardous substances that is potentially affecting the Temperature within mother earth's atmosphere and various other climate disturbances.
There have been remarkable efforts from different organisations and public groups, including States' governments, to stabilize and retract from this "unwanted" and scientifically destined as "a hazard to our existence" pathway, chosen by us, unknowingly.
The Summit in Copenhagen was a flop show as the Developed nations wanted to overthrow United Nations' principles of "Equity" among nations and tried to forge an agreement, prepared in an nontransparent, undemocratic way; grossly biased and neglecting serious concerns of the Poorer and Developing countries.
The BASIC nations (the front of major Developing economies- Brazil, South Africa, India, China), played a matured role with due assistance of positive attitude of leaders like Obama and Merkel to reach on to some "way of progress" type of agreement, which is, though not "Legally binding" yet confirms the volunteer efforts from the part of all Developed and Developing nations (US, BASIC and others). The G77 group of nations, specially African countries were highly unsatisfied with such a draft of the agreement.
It seems around 3 degree centigrade rise is due till 2050 with this sort of approach, which is sufficient to engulf small Island nations like Maldives, and would cause severe coastal commotions throughout the globe. Previously it was in air for targetting 1.5 or a 2 degree rise solution.
The economic funding ranged from 100 to 250 Billion USD per annum was the key negotiating framework with the balance between the Monitoring and sovereignty of the agreed Nations.
The final draft seems to be a short term semi respite for the countries like India and China, now the Mexico will tell us more what can be explored in the future. The self less leadership and an approach of Science is required to tackle it diligently.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Global Climate change menace, Copenhagen summit
Posted by nucleusfermi at 2:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Does an adversarial system only encourage more adversaries?
The extremely regarded, liberal and intellectual theories of Democracy, Judicial systems and for the great extent, the modern learned society itself, are based upon the adversaries that serve like a rainbow, the charm of the pleasant rain. On execution, the usual notion is, adversaries harm the resources to diminish the process, actually it’s more of a systemic failure, in which one of the sub set is not kept in isolation from the other thus these two totally separate processes of “Pondering” and “Execution” get mixed upfor the devastation. To resolute, we keep on reminding ourselves, “Once decided, we must go for it!”
Simply putting, there is no alternative to adaptation. For caring our self respect, we can take the entire multiverse equivalent to ourselves, in this way; we never fight to the “Others” but always contemplate within ourselves. The renowned phrases of “God is one, who resides in every particle,” “Guru is the greatest” (Guru means the big) etc, all signify this quite fundamental law of the time and energy web around us.
I remind the days when I’d go to buy vegetables; precisely instructed by my mother to bring the fresh and the better quality ones. Being exceedingly honest, till date I can’t differentiate among the better and worse tomatoes but though I was of the strong opinion that the one with a bright red colour, shining like a glitter, is far better that the one with a dull colour, suffering from the blemishes. After being deceivedfor several times, I resolute on bringing the mixture and believe me my mother was far happier than before. The gist is, as we know that we don’t know all, let us give our surroundings a chance to teach us better. They can be in the form of other human beings or even the unanimated objects but simultaneously remember to isolate the execution part from the contemplating one.
The radical dictator residing in every desiring soul is keen to formulate the path of biased radicalism but the noetic stays at using theadversaries as the weapons for us and not against us. This is a stark truth that no one is Superman to have an amazing array of merits to establish the nature as it wishes then under such circumstances the only way to go ahead is having asystem that provides equal opportunities of expressing the concerns and views of every wishing part.
One major disadvantage can be of having a smart spoiled soul that manipulates the facts and mould the arguments such that its dark intentions get the approval of thesystem . On comparing up, the ravaging caused by the dictator named “Hitler” looks largely looming than that of the one cited before. If we’ve the faith in “Satyamev Jayate, Nanritam” (truth always wins, not the lie), then our fear about abovementioned consideration subdues itself a bit.
In a civilized society, the argumentative nature of the units never leaves out any scope for the great straight nodding. The justice framework of past would enact certain individuals, regarded as “Kazis or judges”, who would investigate and state the conclusion as well, on their own. But the society that even Crucified Jesus Christ, simply has a nullfor such alternatives.
Ultimately we must adhere to the truth that arguments are the meshwork of the functionality, which are as detachable, integral and formative part of the humankind as the threads of the garment, once pulled out, nothing remains.
The great visionaries of the past have also preached that no matter, even being against, the right to say will be protected by the rights. The present situation of the Indian judicialsystem that is capacitating huge number of pending cases of various degree of startlingly longer time-span, nourishes the notion of an anti adversarial rhetoric. Inquisitorialsystem evokes even further elements of mutual distrust and associated bias.
Co-existence of distinguishable units highly depends upon complicated parameters, governed by a wide range of rationales. It can be an explicit reality that unnecessary arguments pops in and out every now and then but then we ought to bear the dictum that “for gaining something, some things are to be compromised.” Of course for it, we never lose our feelings of hope for creating a “Utopia”, but yes, we do preserve the component of practicality within.
The variety in itself is the most vibrant property that can be relished for picking up the proper pick. Indian culture has a very long lasting, historical practice of “Shastrartha”, under which arguments play the pivotal role, standing tallfor the tested feasibility of adversarial system over the face of time. Reasoning and contentions are the fuel to produce refined mentality, which further transforms into the justified decisions that we takefor our cumulative interests.
Within the purview of productivity, the encouragement for adversaries provided by the adversarial system is in reality the soul of progress, both scientifically as well as spiritually. The negative impacts can be limited by drawing the proper set of rules or “protocol”, empowering us to extrapolate the nectar out of the vivid flora. The essential isolation of execution and brooding makes sure the hindering effect of the invalid arguments is kept minimized.
Every statement must be scanned for the criterion of truth and justice, the adversarial system presents us with this unique virtue as the generated counter arguments or assertions form the criterion that has both the qualities of being rigid and flexiblefor the assessment to be even unadulterated. If the advocates of such systems, by which I mean both who advocate for this system and advocate within this system, be holy with their intentions and their means, we find the qualities of such system to be multiplied several folds.
The success of adversarial system definitely rests on the essence of “integration.” Deendayaal Upadhyaay, late former railway minister of India, wrote a book titles as “Ekatma Maanavataavaad” (Integral Mankind), in which he writes about how the thread of affection glueshuman beings to human beings , this natural integration can be further strengthened to form the humankind a formidable force of the future that sustains “Raam Rajya”. This level of integration can only be achieved, ifwe can provide each and every human being, the right to argue and present its viewpoints.
The corruption within such system, the role of dark forces like money, social influence and all, are considered slightly deviating issues by me but since they define the practical functionality of the system , I must press upon the need of a basic revival of morality in the society that can only be developed by incorporating religion in our day to day life.
Thus the adversarial system not only encourages both positive and negative adversaries but also does provide a practical tool to all for putting forth their thinking and enable the aura of hope to be spread over to enlighten people for the broadmindedness, self limiting its complications. Even if we try to create a system deviating from this, adversaries will always be popping in as it is the universal law of this nature, which ads the flavor of variety to already quite a queer taste of this earthly life. The best way to eliminate any negativity appended with it is to incorporate religious values in our routine life that teaches the path to salvation and not the materialism for perpetual starvation.
Posted by nucleusfermi at 7:50 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Maharashtra, Haryana, Asaam elections
Congress and alliance has been favoured by majority in the elections held recently. Since they were state elections and what we get to know through media is unfortunately half corrupted, it’s difficult to analyse the exact causes of the defeat of BJP and friends as it was considered an election season with full of anti incumbency. I heard a prominent political commentator saying it’s an insignia which is extremely alarming for the BJP since despite having some obvious positives it hadn’t performed up to the mark. When such plight stands, political organizations must seek for fundamental scanning of the ideology and even more importantly the election strategy.
I have been writing it for months now that Congress party is functioning as a corporate company. They know where their profit is for the sake of getting mass support; they have little to do with ideology, principles or rationale. They have got one readymade future leader also who enjoys unconditional support of flatterers around. Their present queen Victoria is extraordinarily cunning to manipulate politics for the benefit. These properties get combined with the notion of the secular and non secular in our country. Present day education is not providing our younger generations with the knowledge of facts pertaining our great ancestral virtues, traditions and culture. Thus citizens are not equipped with the sense of real nationalism, which is not merely having radical feelings on the verge of testing of national physical integrity but lies in the core of Indian culture that teaches us human values and the message of goodwill to entire multiverse, as “Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam.”
I must reiterate the fact that I am not at all an ardent supporter of BJP but what I believe in is truth and justice, though they’re not impeccable yet under present circumstances they’re the some right among many very wrong. It looks like people of thiscountry have decided to go for their convenience rather than national interest. It’s not surprising since they learn about Darwinism more than Geeta, Ramayan, Quraan, Bible, Guru Granth Sahib etc.
The lack of religions’ role in politics is a premier concern of mine. The materialism has got endless potential of alluring the mankind for negative until we don’t feed our way of thinking with the spiritual knowledge bestowed upon us by our predecessors. If I write about the flaws in electoral system, it’ll be another repetition but one thing I must say, the age of voting must be more than 25 years of age and not at all to this present limit, which is grossly hazardous to our democracy.
Ending it by calling for all human beings to think before doing anything and all the best for their future.
Posted by nucleusfermi at 4:32 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Defensive foreign policy “A major drawback for vibrant India”
From the history we must learn the lesson of being aggressive with our foreign policy. Successive Indian governments have always been over defensive with their approach towards foreign affairs and the Indian stand. We must profit the world with our intellectual and responsible civilization. Seeing injustice is as equal a crime as being the executer of injustice. For the sake of good relations with China, Indian government is thinking of scrapping the visit of Shri Dalai Lama to Arunanchal Pradesh! This is a defeat of self interest to morality; just a few days back, when I was celebrating Diwali far from home, some American, who is the president of a country named United States of America, told me with utmost elegance that Diwali is a festival of the Victory by the Light over Darkness, on the Devil by the kind, of the prosperity over atrocity. Shameful the fact is, the very origin of such great traditions, is falling victim of desire of fulfilling self interests even if it comes averting the principles, which our great culture preaches us!
The Father of the nation, Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi, himself said that for the attainment of the holy goal, our means should also be equally holy; ironically the ruling party claims to be following Gandhian ideology diligently! If we’ve provided shelter to a great leader of Mankind, I must press it’s our fortune that such a great soul resides among us, then why to restrain His holiness from travelling to a place that is the part of our country, no matter what China says, we must not scrap this visit and stamp our degradation of moral character over availing ourselves with whatever profit it might get us diplomatically or any other way.
We blatantly got failed in our efforts of rectifying the framework of United Nations for the betterment of the principle of Equality by not getting the Security Council reworked. We failed to provide this world a far strong United Nations’ leader in the form of Shashi Tharoor and USA got success in putting a weaker leader of its choice instead. We failed to convince Switzerland for the disclosing of assets mounted in its jurisdiction, especially when the person was proven offender and our democratic government, means the voice of a Billion people, requested Swiss authorities to do so. We failed to protect Women in Iraq, Afganistan, Pakistan and in other Islamic bigot states like UAE, Middle East and all. We failed to protect Tibetans, who relied and had faith on us, who came for shelter and got nothing in reply! This is the stark truth of this ancient civilization. This is the essence of this vibrant democracy, who declares on its emblem “Satyamev Jayate” (truth always wins).
Ending this article, I pay my deepest condolences to the people I saw getting injustice and couldn’t do anything fruitful despite a few efforts that I made, I feel shameful over myself, I am feeling weak, I am feeling tired, I am feeling sad but I am not defeated, I promise to all, till eternity, I shall always be there, for them in the hour of need, I shall always be with the truth and justice, and will lead the Humankind to its the most glorious and rightful place, long live mankind!
Devashish Narayana Mishra.
Posted by nucleusfermi at 12:53 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Graying of hair in young age "leukotrichia"
Leukotrichia (“Leuko” means white; “trichia” is from the Greek meaning hair or tail) in young individuals is a cosmetic health problem but can be indicative to many other ailments.
Before starting to jump on what to do, I must write some basics about the causes and general aspects of this condition. The most well established theory embraced by scientists for this condition is the Genetics of the individual. Hereditary factors play a major role as certain genes constitute this phenotype (what we see as the manifestation outwardly), displaying it for either certain set of conditions or even at a pre-programmed time. Simplifying it, for example, if an individual has this kind of hereditary graying of hair's pattern, on exposure to a peculiar sort of climate, physical or mental stress, malnutrition, hormonal imbalance secondary to any disease or infection, anemia specially Vitamin B12 deficiency pernicious anemia or Werner syndrome, pollution, thyroid disorder, Calcium deficiency (decreased bone density, mostly in post menopausal women) can be those triggering factors responsible for early grayish colouration of hair. If one's proximal relatives (father, mother, grand father, paternal and maternal relatives) had young aged grayish coloration, then it's most likely to have this condition precipitating earlier in life. Generally, when a person below 40 years of age has more than half of its hair gray, it's termed as "premature" graying of hair.
Melanocytes are the cells responsible for making a chemical named "Milanin", it's the same chemical or one can say "pigment" (color producing substance), which gives our body the unique blackish brown colour. When for any reason as mentioned above or even conditions like "Albinism" (genetic disorder), Vitiligo (auto immune disorder) etc. Melanin synthesis is hampered, the blackening of hair stops and it sprouts as grayish body from the Hair follicle. Melanocytes' Stimulating Hormone (MSH) is secreted by intermediate lobe of Pituitary gland, which is affected by length of night and day as well (presence or absence of natural light). That's why I stress upon disciplined diurnal lifestyle.
What to do?
The most convenient solution for this problem would be to Colour your hair, means dye your hair with any suitable and medically approved dying agent that are very easily available and widely accessible in market. Dietary supplements would only work if severe malnutrition is the triggering factor, such as pernicious anemia for B12 deficiency or even many a times Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) specially in young girls.
When people are paying for colouring hair, then why to be that sensitive on dying them! So, as long as possible, herbal dyes like Mehandi or similar solutions, mostly enumerated in Ayurvedic medicine or other conventional and traditional methods or one of the many competent dying cosmetic products available in market would do the trick. Remember, not to pluck the gray hair as many people report of engraving the problem in this way by having more of the hair being gray with the same gray hair sprouted again. To maintain Diurnal discipline (not to wake up much in night and lower the level of stress by Yoga or meditation, music etc.) being cheerful, sleeping at right time and getting well nourished with nutritious and balanced diet are basic precautions one must take in case of proximal relatives being affected with this problem.
Devashish Narayana Mishra
Posted by nucleusfermi at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 28, 2009
Medical terms pertaining White Blood Cells
Increase in the count of Netrophil granulocytes in the circulating blood. Neutrophils are primary white blood cells that respond to bacterial infections, acute inflammations, such as Myocardial Infarction (heart attack) etc.
Therefore in above cases, Neutrophilia precipitates. Appendicitis can also lead to the same.
Normal neutrophils' count is 40-60% of Total Leukocyte Count.
* Adults : 4,000-10,000/cu mm (µl)
* At birth : 10,000-25,000/cu mm (µl)
* 1 to 3 years : 6,000-18,000/cu mm (µl)
* 4 to 7 years : 6,000-15,000/cu mm (µl)
* 8 to 12 years : 4,500-13,500/cu mm (µl)
Drugs like Prednison (Has effects like cortisol), can bring sequestrated (marginalized) neutrophils to the blood stream.
(2)List of fractions of Total Leukocyte Count (TLC):-
* Neutrophils: 40% to 60%
* Lymphocytes: 20% to 40%
* Monocytes: 2% to 8%
* Eosinophils: 1% to 4%
* Basophils: 0.5% to 1%
* Band (young neutrophil): 0% to 3%
(3) Eosinophilia:-
Increase in Eosinophils from their normal concentration (number) in circulating blood. Normal being 0-0.5 * 1000000000 cells per litre.
Two types-> (A)Reactive (B)Non reactive.
(Release of Interleukin 5 by T-cells, mast cells or macrophages.)
Causes-> NAACCP= Neoplasia, Addison's disease, Allergy/Asthma, Collagen vascular disease, Cholesterol emboli, Parasites.
I should list some major conditions as well, se below:-
Diseases that feature eosinophilia:
* Hypereosinophilic syndrome
* Parasitic infections (intestinal helminthiasis)
* Allergic disorders (including eosinophilic esophagitis)
* Some drug reactions, e.g. DRESS syndrome
* Cholesterol embolization
* Churg-Strauss syndrome
* Some forms of chronic myeloid leukaemia
* Hodgkin's lymphoma
* Gleich's syndrome
* Addison's disease
* Clonorchis sinensis, a type of flatworm
* Eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome caused by contaminated tryptophan supplements
* Job's Syndrome caused by increased levels of Immunoglobulin E
* A form of Colitis, eosinophilic colitis.
(4) Lymphocytosis:-
Increase in number or proportion of Lymphocytes, thus absolute and relative in nature. Children less than 2 years of age have physiological relative lymphocytosis. Normal count being 20-40% of TLC in adults.
4000 cells per micro litre in adults
9000 cells per micro litre in infants
7000 cells per micro litre in children above 2 years of age
*Causes of absolute Lymphocytosis:-
- Acute viral infection, such as infectious mononucleosis (glandular fever), Epstein Barr virus infection, hepatitis.
- Other acute infections such as pertusis.
- Some protozoal infections, such as Toxoplasmosis and American Trypanosomiasis (Chagas Disaease).
- Chronic, intracellular bacterial infections, such as Tuberculosis and Brucellosis; acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
(5) Monocytosis:-
Increase in the number of Monocytes, circulating in the blood stream, above the normal level. Upper limit considered them for is 950cells per micro litre.
Mainly during chronic infection, sub acute bacterial endocarditis, syphilis, infectious mononucleosis and other viral infections and many protozoal and rickettsial infections (Ex.- Kala Azar, Malaria, Rocky Mountain Spotted fever etc.).
Blood and immune system related causes- Chronic neutropenia, myeloproliferative disorders.
Autoimmune diseases and vasculitis; systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
Malignancies- Hodgekin's disease, certain leukemias, CMML (Chronic Myelomonocytic leukemia. Recovery phase of neutropenia or an acute infection.
Miscellaneous causes: Sarcoidosis, lipid storage disease.
(6) Leukopenia:-
Decrease in the number of white blood cells (leukocytes) found in the blood, which places individuals at an increased risk of infections. Neutropenia is sometimes interchangeably used for Leukopenia, as neutrophils constitute a major portion of the total leukocyte count, specially in adults.
Chemotherapy, Radiation therapy, leukemia, Myelofibrosis, Aplastic anemia, many common medications like immunosuppressives (Sirolimus, Mycophenolate mofetil, tacrolimus, cyclosporin), some interferons, anti depressants and smoking addiction treatment drugs, antibiotics like Minocycline can cause leukopenia.
Other causes can be- Influenza, Systemic lupus erythematosus, Hodgekin's lymphoma, some types of cancers, typhoid, malaria, tuberculosis, dengue, rickettsial infections, enlargement of spleen, folate deficiency, psittacosis and sepsis, deficiency of certain minerals like Copper and Zinc.
At the onset of the infection leukocytes (mainly neutrophils), get sequestrated (marginalised), responding to injury, so that they can scan the site of the infection, evolving lack of leukocytes in circulating pool of blood.
Posted by nucleusfermi at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Wind Energy, how much profitable?
India is among the ace technology bearing nations in terms of wind energy generation. More than 7500KM coast line is an amazing parametre, providing us an edge, as it has almost permanent wind availability. Some major load consuming metros are also nearer to sea, like Mumbai, Chennai etc. We can channelize the generation and supply better with this added perk. We must try to convince privet investors to look forward to this new and renewable energy resource, with continuous appreciation, the cost per unit can be made cheaper and comparable to other non renewable and hazardous sources for energy.
The future lies in energy, specially in electrical form, as we are in Silicon age and electronic equipments are part and parcel of a modern human. I hope my writing cite reasonable attention towards thinking positively for this subject and solving our problems well in advance. Thank you for reading.
Devashish Narayana Mishra.
Posted by nucleusfermi at 1:57 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 25, 2009
Chandrayaan-1 A grand success!
NASA scientists described their moments of emotional intensity at Bangalore, when the first high resolution moon pictures arrived at us, after it for this equipment only, data covering more than a thousand GB has been collected, most of which is in the form of 70-80K high resolution pictures (140 metre per pixel), since "C'Yaan" was in the nearest distance, around 100KM to the Moon surface, these pictures and data collected preserve substantial value.
The finding of Hydroxyl (Ionic form would be with a negative charge on OH, where O and H respectively denote each atom of Oxygen and Hydrogen, Atomic Weight 16 and 2) is exciting in curious community, as they see it another very strong possible parametre for the availability of Water on the moon. H positive and OH negative, combine to form HOH, which is our very own, lovely, cutie pie, the darling of heart and life "WATER MOLECULE". They presume, when we manage to reach there, for setting up of our colonies, this resource will be highly critical, but the availability though remains to be far minute, like on equator 50 Parts per Million, described analogically by a scientist as having entire water over moon's equator, within two table spoon, full of water. It has been noticed that on the poles of Chandra (Moon), there is more amount of water present, presence of which is credited to various physical phenomena, which are yet to be known fully. There will be analysis of all the data obtained, and with the lively contribution of entire mankind, we shall decode the code and will use it for the betterment of multiverse itself.
Both the organizations, Indian Space Research Organization and NASA have pulled up extraordinary task, their untiring efforts are jewel on Humankind's persona. Here I am pasting up a few pictures of the Chandrayaan-1, and optimistically hail for Chandrayaan-2, which is also expected in nearest of the future (around 2013) with later manned moon mission (2020) from India. I wish entire mankind, all the best for their endeavors, defining our constant hopefulness for the time and energy-web around us.
Devashish Narayana Mishra.
Posted by nucleusfermi at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Pattern of individual's preparedness against pandemic Swine Flu in Bangalore; A critical approach
I have been reading a lot, specially in local news papers of Bangalore that people in general are gearing themselves up for the menace of Swine flu by trying enhancing their immunity with alternative medicinal practices like Ayurveda and the life style's modifications, such as Yoga
Individual efforts of people suggest the level of consciousness and the urban level of literacy but I must be happier when see the change in the mindset of people, belonging to expand their horizon of thinking from constricting themselves to themselves to the broad view of society as an absolute entity in front of us. This will accelerate the pace of community based affirmation, particularly on the side of cleanliness of public places, habits that fuel that, purity maintenance for resources and ensuring their renewal with proper quality and sufficient quantity.
Being a newbie in this City, I observe people being largely pathetic with cleanliness, with a few facilities available for public domain for the sake of social management of sanitation.
Using the knowledge of ancient practices and the facts will empower the modern society to benefit themselves for the better. Yoga must be a routine practice for not only the Hindus but also for everyone, who wishes to be healthy and be useful for the society rather than being a burden on it. All the best to everyone for fighting against this threatening viral disease, long live the Mankind.
Devashish Narayana Mishra.
Posted by nucleusfermi at 2:46 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
“Hindus have been tortured in Pakistan since its formation”
Now here I am writing an article taken from Times of India 10th of September 09.
Vimal Bhatia | TNN
Jaisalmer: In the past four years, some 5000 Hindus may have crossed over from pakistan, never to return. It has not been easy abandoning their home, sometimes even their families, but they say they had no choice: they had to flee the Taliban.
It started as a trickle in 2006, the year the That express was flagged off. The weekly train starts from Karachi, enters India at Muabao, a border town in Barmer and runs up to Jodhpur. In the first year, 392 Hindus crossed over. This grew to 880 in 2007. The next year, the number was 1240, and this year, till August, over 1000 have crossed over. They just keep extending their Visas and hope to become Indian citizens.
Incidentally, these are official figures. Sources say there are many more, who cross over and melt into the local milieu. And officials have a soft corner for these people, most of whom has harrowing stories to tell.
RanaRam, who used to live in the Rahimyar district of pakistan's punjab, says he fell prey to Taliban. His wife was kidnapped, raped and forcibly converted to Islam. His two daughters were also forcibly converted. RanaRam too had to accept Islam for fear of his life. He thought it best to flee with his two daughters; his wife was untraceable.
DungaRam, another migrant, says atrocities against Hindus in pakistan have increased in the past two years after the ouster of Musharraf. “We won't get permanent jobs unless convert to Islam.”
Hindu Singh Sodha, the president of “Seemant Lok Sanghthan”, a group working for the refugees in Barmer and Jaisalmer, says there is unfortunately no proper refugee policy in India even though people from pakistan reach here in large numbers.
He said in 2004-05, over 135 families were given Indian citizenship but the rest are still living illegally in the country and are often tortured by the police because they don't have proper citizenship certificates. “In December 2008, over 200 Hindus were converted to Islam in Mirapur Khas town of pakistan. But there are several others, who want to stick to their religion but there's no safety for them in pakistan.”
Immigration officer in Muabao railway station, Hetudan Charan, says the arrival of Hindu migrants had suddenly increased as over 15 to 16 families were reaching India every week. “None of them admit they're to settle here but seeing their baggage, we easily understand,” he said.
Ravi Kumar, who was Barmer collector till his transfer two days back, said the government in 2007 had given permanent citizenship to a few pakistani immigrants.
The newspaper article ends here.
Devashish Narayana Mishra.
Posted by nucleusfermi at 5:48 AM 1 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Team work is the key to achieve bigger goals with lesser strain
It's far more easier to develop your skills individually and apply them in appropriate and applicable system to achieve the desired but to work as a team might be a difficult task to achieve and could possibly most of the times be even impossible to work in but its results are rapid, accurate and require much lesser the effort from the individuals separately. Basically it's like dividing burden to units and building better coordinated approach. Emotionally also it strengthens your faith and confidence that you as a team could achieve it even if individually you might be of the view that "this seems to be out of my potential!" Actually it depends what is the magnitude of the work you want to accomplish and the quality of the output sought. For huge tasks obviously you need to build up teams and work with them in coordination to complete it. It becomes even handy when you don't want very precise results. Even the work, which we do individually is comprised of a "team" sort of combination of various abilities confined in our body. Integration is that's why the major helpline for the mankind for its quest for knowledge and Utopia. Be generous to others and learn to love all, so that at the hour of need, you can work in a team with a better capability and probability to get the success. For this shedding selfishness is the prime. Do good for others and find the happiness in the same. Thanks for reading.
Devashish Narayana Mishra.
Posted by nucleusfermi at 3:43 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Economically developed nations can't digest they are getting lagged!
The colonial powers of past, who deceived billions and stocked enormous wealth, now in competitive era, when faced with the skills and commitment of countries like India, China, Brazil, Russia, are finding themselves lagging behind. After recessionary peak, their alarm is ringing even high pitched. These so called developed nations are ruling not only compartments like United Nation's Security Counsel but also its economic arm "International Monetary Fund." The degree of their radical approach of keeping developing and poorer countries away from Monetary policy making for the world, reflects itself in laws like no citizen of developing or poorer nations can be the chief in the IMF! There are plenty of discriminative and disgusting rules and regulations in the IMF. Now when developed nations are facing the fierce economic debacle, reliant upon developing nations for fund injection as well as consumption ranges, they are showing signs of getting lenient with highly discriminative rules of IMF. India has played the major role in negotiations going on for Doha round. According to present Indians finance minister Pranab Mukharjee, results are positive and we are soon going to see their impact in upcoming Doha meet at 14th of September 2009. Let's hope for the best.
Devashish Narayana Mishra.
Posted by nucleusfermi at 11:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Global warming "Alarm bell is ringing"
Quite unnecessarily, developed nations tried to impose illogical constraints on developing world, because of which previous important gatherings over this core issue got failed. Their this approach will culminate into a larger conflict, dividing the world. America will have to take initiative as it is the most corrupting among the all. India and China have onus on their shoulders not to follow the same foolish path that US and European nations chose in the past. We must learn our lessons from the History.
If the industrialization has caused this problem, then there must be some solution lying within it, with the advancement of technology in all sectors of production, engineering, transport and so on. Renewable energy sources will have to be called for, as ultimately we are going to end up with the zero regarding fossil fuels. For this, self less intentions for doing good for the entire mankind are required. Present state of countries like USA, suggests that they will be much more restrained with the cutting emission promises and drafts. United Nations must pass some agreement as soon as possible to frame the future strategy and the standards that the technology should follow for the future. We have obviously not infinite time and still many people are either unknown or avoiding this menace looming dangerously over our heads. Hope that the conferences held as the G20 summit and others, will bring forward some efficient and productive solutions. Long live the mankind.
Posted by nucleusfermi at 7:50 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Jaswant Singh's Expelling is regrettable
The founder member, who served 30 years to the Party, can and must not be expelled in the way that Jaswant Singh has been. Many people see it as a whip on a soft target, for the reason of Advani being surviving even after saying Jinnah a secular leader in his Pakistan journey.
If our major political parties behave like this, then what should we rely upon? Is the thinking processes within these parties are lost? Shouldn't there be a sense of analyzing what happened in the past, and from what point of view, with what proofs we can see it? If it continues this way, then internal and individual thinking process of a leader will be buried under the sand of Political power games, as in this case, since RSS was with the demand of a strong decision, so expelling had to happen! And without RSS'es ground work, BJP can't sail its power ferry.
Even I don't subscribe completely to what jaswant Singh writes but there must be a freedom of speech and thinking, so what if he is a part of the political organization like BJP, he hadn't challenged party's agenda; to mould its position over Jinnah or anything in that regard, he had simply written the book, and if Party is strongly against it, it must have conveyed it to him and first ought to have sought for volunteer resignation. There could have been a debate over the issue and proper time frame must have made available to the author to describe his views more in detail.
It's now like a worker shown pink slip, after all political parties are intellectual properties of a Nation, if they behave in this harsh manner, then where does their credibility towards Nation stays? Can we rely upon such hasty parties to reign the country? I am deeply disappointed and regret this unjustified decision taken by BJP leadership; today for the first time I am seriously contemplating of forming my own political party one day, which will surely be a lot open in terms of ideological flexibility and principle centric approach specially to its veteran leaders. Even if an elderly member of family does something wrong, can younger throw him out in this way? This is not at all my Hindu culture tells me, neither it serves the basis of being a political organization in the world's oldest civilization.
Posted by nucleusfermi at 3:37 PM 0 comments
Pakistan is waging Economic Terrorism against India, another base trick of a Bigot!
For past few months, from many parts of our country, fake currency-consignments have been ceased. They are proven to be routed through various routes, including our Nepali, Chinese, Myanmar, Afgan and Paki border but the alarming fact is, they all are printed in Pakistan, most of the printing presses with ISI and government of Pakistan's support, are printing up not their but our currency, in order to destabilize the Indian Economy. With these elevations and fluctuations in liquidity, it's likely that the prices of essential commodities would increase uncontrollably; Pakistan is as mean as ever, they have spoiled themselves in the way of trying to destroy India by taming terrorist organisations like Harkat-Ul-Dawa, Mujahidins etc, and of course who could forget their joint creation with America, The Taliban, with whom it's pretending to fight when they have started creeping up these deceivers' heads.
It's a time for us to be very careful as our Government, on the name of Minority assistance, always try to woo Muslim votes and anyone can make out a big chunk of Muslims in India have placed Islam ahead of Mother India and many of them supports pakistan, just because they don't like secular India. Without their active support, it's impossible that such a big scale scam could ever have taken place. In the fight against Global economic downturn, India was far ahead compared with its western counterparts, these attempts are another poisonous strike of the snake lying nearby us, kill it or beware of the consequences.
Posted by nucleusfermi at 1:46 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 16, 2009
“Sins never forgive”
A mother can't even see any sin of her son, a Father forgives. A teacher forgives. A friend forgives. A fan can forgive, even the stranger can forgive. But the Sins themselves never forgive you. Claded with dark vestment, the lord Time Himself arrives in the dark from the darkest, the ghost of past grabs you from behind, the pain then radiates in nerves, tears display the bleak sense of regret with the wetness of sorrow, they dry but not the sorrow. The sorrow of Sins, really, believe me, but never try; Anger, the short term madness, dies; breaths keep you to live but the Sins never forgive.
Devashish Narayana Mishra.
Posted by nucleusfermi at 2:53 PM 0 comments
Diseases and their causes
A general overview
When we cannot work optimally, both on mental and physical fronts (social being secondary to it , as many others), we are in disease. What are the optimum capabilities of one's body, is a factor determined by that person's level of content, therefore if you feel , you are doing the best as you want to, you are fit and healthy. So satisfaction is the parameter, I believe, which gauge your health an determines whether you are in disease or not. For practical purpose, present human race agree upon below mentioned proven set of words.
A pathological condition of a part, organ or system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection , genetic-defect or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms is “Disease”. Lack of ease is “disease”.
Ayurveda, describes the cause of disease as imbalance among three substances- 'vaat' (air), 'pitt'. (bile), 'kaff' (cough). The “Tridosha”. The deviation from their naturally balanced proportion, causes disease.
Modern science with its path-breaking discoveries reveal, there are physical and mental (psychological)factors, responsible for causing disease. They can be living , non- living or even in between (like 'virus'). I mark it as a “Fate and food chain theory,”disease caused by non living substances is the 'Fate', like rusting of Iron. The “Fate” is a natural phenomenon as mass and energy keep varying their states, on the prime scale of time. The living beings or the intermediates, play their role as the composition of the food chain. As a lion eats a deer or a mite resides upon a cattle and live its life, similarly human beings are also not an exception for susceptibility to various other life- forms to be' hunted'. Just the level and form of conspicuousness is different.
Conclusively, it appears, the transformation of energy , acquiring the ground state for a stable energy equilibrium, is the ultimate rule, which stamps “who/what, will be where.” That I described as “Fate and Food Chain Theory of the Causation of Disease.” Actually this is the quite absolute theory, establishing the general rule of mother nature.
I shall incorporate rather pragmatic, commonly involved “pathogens” and their pathogenic nature and capabilities, in many future writings.
Posted by nucleusfermi at 2:52 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 14, 2009
Is America behind Swine Flu?
Since the economic downturn is swallowing capitalist Americans, speculations have been spreading whether USA created H1N1 virus for spurring up its so called “one and only” miracle medicine “Tamiflu”? As this medicine's patent is entirely under an American firm with which former American defence minister “Donald Rumsfield” is also associated with. America had gathers crores (billions) of liquidity through this Swine Flu menace and independent Centre for disease control, which is in America itself and well renowned investigative journalist and former officer of National security agency in America, Wayne Medson (sorry if I spelled it wrong) suspected this Virus to be entirely unnatural and having a mixture genetic code of viruses such as Bird Flu, Human Flu, Eurasian Flu. USA has been notoriously famous for its biochemical warfare experimentation and if not the government, there can be other source of this conspiracy as according to NEWS sources, some dangerous Virus samples are found missing from American Military Contagious Disease research centre in fort Detric.
The company that has the patent, has many government officials including Donald Rumsfield as its share holder, later being in Director-board from 1987, since its establishment. Now should all world also begin war against America? Well, at least they did the same with Iraq, and as we also don't have substantial evidence but they also are on the same state as we do. Peace for all, long live the mankind.
Devashish Narayana Mishra
Posted by nucleusfermi at 8:14 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Diseases and their causes
"A general overview"
When we cannot work optimally, both on mental and physical fronts (social being secondary to it , as many others), we are in disease. What are the optimum capabilities of one's body, is a factor determined by that person's level of content, therefore if you feel , you are doing the best as you want to, you are fit and healthy. So satisfaction is the parameter, I believe, which gauge your health an determines whether you are in disease or not. For practical purpose, present human race agree upon below mentioned proven set of words.
A pathological condition of a part, organ or system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection , genetic-defect or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms is “Disease”. Lack of ease is “disease”.
Ayurveda, describes the cause of disease as imbalance among three substances- 'vaat' (air), 'pitt'. (bile), 'kaff' (cough). The “Tridosha”. The deviation from their naturally balanced proportion, causes disease.
Modern science with its path-breaking discoveries reveal, there are physical and mental (psychological)factors, responsible for causing disease. They can be living , non- living or even in between (like 'virus'). I mark it as a “Fate and food chain theory,”disease caused by non living substances is the 'Fate', like rusting of Iron. The “Fate” is a natural phenomenon as mass and energy keep varying their states, on the prime scale of time. The living beings or the intermediates, play their role as the composition of the food chain. As a lion eats a deer or a mite resides upon a cattle and live its life, similarly human beings are also not an exception for susceptibility to various other life- forms to be' hunted'. Just the level and form of conspicuousness is different.
Conclusively, it appears, the transformation of energy , acquiring the ground state for a stable energy equilibrium, is the ultimate rule, which stamps “who/what, will be where.” That I described as “Fate and Food Chain Theory of the Causation of Disease.” Actually this is the quite absolute theory, establishing the general rule of mother nature.
I shall incorporate rather pragmatic, commonly involved “pathogens” and their pathogenic nature and capabilities, in many future writings.
Posted by nucleusfermi at 10:11 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
Commercialization of Education
There are many organizations of all sorts of backings, like RSS (Rashtreeya Swayamsevak Sangh), various NGOs etc. that have framed a semi governmental array but one can't think of an education-system in a Capitalistic society that is not flooded with Institutes, using the education card for merely making economic profit. Though many of them are not “born corrupt” but an absolute deduction from a trust to a merchandise is seen mostly, if not one then after two or three generations of the parent.
Yesterday, Supreme Court of India reiterated that fees-hike for unaided privet institutes, specially referring to junior and high schools, is and will be the subject of approval of the State governments. The court further added, for those schools, which are functioning for making economic profit, can't invest the money earned in other sectors; now here my mind got struck, when I heard the melodious lady news-reader's voice, chirping the contrast as “schools that are running to make profit (economic as I understood),” worries and sorrows were obvious. The middle economic strata of our society looks for better education and facilities for their loved ones, the zest ends up admitting kids in “five star” schools, shining with the fuel of parents of our little stars', hard earned money.
I strictly don't blame primarily to those “School-lords”, who run brand chains; reducing “the holy Ashram” to a roadside restaurant, as the blame on them is secondary. The primary onus of providing fair, productive, application based, knowledgeable education and training to the citizens is on behest of the Government. The government is passing bills like “right to education, “Free education schemes up to certain level for girls, “Education for adults; but I never saw their, what to speak of efficient, even the minimal execution! The superficial filing job, lethargically accomplished by the government clerks, is the only outcome of so expensive budget allocations, for which tax payers are donkeying day & night. I must not blame the public directly to it, as for every matter, our renowned pundits, the golden celebrity–vocal cords, ultimately ask for public movements to sort out such issues, I, being irritated, ask them, what they think, for these all idealistic, executive issues, we should erect forum and oppose the government with a movement? This can only yield the impractical little. We need selfless leaders, who are committed to make difference; with more smarter and pragmatic ways; smart-work is much better than the blind hard-work with those futile few movements, ending up in forming a trust that will be the same factory after a few years, against which it was founded.
I am much impressed by these open source projects, running over the computing world, they are so much enhanced with the supportive framework of web, that have become from local to the world wide initiatives, giving meaning to “world wide web”. I see the future of education, lies in this intricacy of inter connectivity, it will certainly channelize the process properly and would reduce the cost. Therefore governments must explore better possibilities for education system as well, inspired by such “Open Source Projects“, If any reader has complaint about the solution part being shorter, inconclusive and incomplete; blame our electricity-department and lesser battery life of my laptop.
Posted by nucleusfermi at 5:49 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
When "Democracy" chooses
[Only thing I hate about taking enormous systems for absolute consideration is that one has to start neglecting exponentially many characteristics, which, with the growing size, tends to be even primer.]
We read many writings that Indian democracy is yet to be matured, specially for getting evaluated with the economic, social and military scenario of this era. I truly find it as an exaggerated remark. On this level of integration, individuals’ philosophies hold more ground that too which are not necessarily pertaining choosing a governing body, so why to stamp immaturity based upon the timeline? Epitomizing this, I must write about literacy and education being intimately connected with the democratic array. Apart from this core parameter, one interesting; for telling which, I am writing it; is that suppose one is said to choose its master, will it choose the principle centric, tougher, more for the ideals than for the pragmatics person? In many cases certainly not. It must go for rather modest option. But alarmingly national interest doesn’t buy this element of selfishness and hail for sacrifice of individual’s interest for the bigger picture. Unfortunately democratic framework grossly undermines this peculiar prospect. A system that kicks out 60 years’ nationalistic service for the dull clerkship, is a potential hazard for the national interest, I beg for the sincere apology, if I hurt someone’s feelings, as I know neither my age nor my knowledge and experience about this earthly life, permit me to write it so blatantly, but I am being unable to halt this flow of emotions in my heart, which says me a big mistake by my brothers and sisters, is committed that could harm my nation’s future.
Posted by nucleusfermi at 12:46 AM 0 comments