Monday, October 13, 2008

Final Remarks

The Irish say, “Ireland is a good place to die.”
Something similar could be said of our own beloved homeland.
American political leaders may speak like thugs but ours live as thugs. So please, let's cut out the b.s. when we speak of our homeland.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
There are no final answers. Final answers are only for popes, ayatollahs, and fascists. If an answer does not raise two more questions, it cannot be right.
To be slaves of former slaves (our case) also means to allow ourselves to be brainwashed by brain-damaged dupes.
We like to say that nations that question the reality of our genocide are motivated by self-interest, thus implying nations that are on our side are morally superior. As for our own moral superiority: we take that for granted and we expect everyone else to do so.
You cannot judge the conduct of a war by authorized press releases. Neither can you judge the past by authorized textbooks. For the very simple reason that those in authority care much more about their image than the truth.
To silence dissent means to prepare the ground for a generation of executioners.
There is a type of charlatan (Bush and Chaney come to mind) who will always be against compromise and for war, provided of course someone else does the killing and dying.