Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Voice of Mankind!

The world specially America who didn't miss even on a second to declare "Kosovo" a separate country, gave a paralyzed reaction of whatever happened in Tibbet. China says it's its "Internal" matter, and Indian government agree to all this? India has been leader for knowledge transferring to china for years by, the Buddhist culture, traditions; our ancestral kings won chinese land and awarded it to the servants of Buddha, for what? For this all which is happening now? What does China {Cheen} thinks? They will occupy any land and then claim it's their internal issue? If they are saying Tibbetians started all violence and then even over powered the massive number of Chinese security forces and attacked them extremely, then why they are not showing these things to world community? Why they did the most severe attack on humanity by Media Blackouts? What is the UN and all countries boasting of Human Rights doing? Do they have no care for those mother's sons fighting for their motherland? Is this the way this selfish world reacts to apparent human rights' violations by some economic, strategic and military power? Are our principles fall dwarf to the selfishness? It's the time when we all write the truth about the fabric of our nature, that whether it is sewed with the threads of cowardice or with the glorious silk of bravery to support the truth and justice. It is enough to indicate about Cheenee {Chinese} fault that they have always been indulged in fights over land. They all time tried to occupy lands all around world. Hong Kong, Tibbet, now eying Arunanchal and other similar issues too are existed in their account all the time. People within the nation are shown what the government want them to show and this mute world seeing everything? I am not at all in support of disintegrating lands and create countries on the name of race, language or any discrimination but when I see Chinese brutal policy where a handful are running things by muscle power for their own narrow notions then I think it'd be far nicer if we can provide a few Tibbetians liberation from the bloody claws of Chinese communism. Help Tibbet, Raise the voice of truth and show the courage to the world that we hail for the Mankind.