Thursday, December 4, 2008

Improving infra structure with the pace of emerging India

Global financial sphere seems to be in a gruesome turmoil. After the initial developed nations' chances, now it's come over developing nations such as India as well. Yesterday was an alarming time for India, when Commerce ministry announced more than 65K job losses, that was only not more than 2% of the entire trade world to be assessed. To overcome such a menace, we require a brave and proactive governance, which can take courageous steps with the highest degree of confidence, I am not known to economic technicalities but can state one thing as a common man of this great nation of rulers like "Ashok and Chandragupta Maurya" that there can be numerous of the solutions if we don't concern our differential interests more worthy than that of the integrated national ones. One straight forward solution seems to be increasing the depth of our own domestic market and its consumption. For doing so one necessary step is to establish a broader framework of infra structure and improve upon our execution skills, try achieving levels more than that of the Chinese. We have a big pool of experienced Indians, who comprises of all ages and diverse backgrounds. It's the high time to channelize them as intellectual bridges to find out new knowledge bricks to fill the missing links and gaps in present economic web. Thus we can propel our innovation with combined bravery which is always needed in every part of our Human avatar. This time ought to be taken as a challenge; pledge to the determination must be taken. This materialistic world doesn't follow our spiritual laws, to make it following we need to be standing at the top and for that impeccable efforts are of need. If you are to win a fight in mud, you are to get muddy. In this materialistic world, important things are, the manufacturing capabilities and innovation, optimistic and huge domestic market and a well channelized workforce or manpower to accomplish the work. Taking due care of them, it becomes inevitable to concentrate these days on Infra structure building and formation of pedagogic and educational training institutes to meet the requirements. Do have some feedback, Jai Hind!

A blatant lier "Pakistani Media"

Linking Hemant karkare's martyrdom with "Samajhauta Blasts", saying Mumbai attacks a reaction of people who want "Freedom from India", calling entire episode as an "Intelligence game by India that went all wrong!"; "Mumbai attacks as the beginning of destroying of Indian federation!" These are the headlines and discussion topics in Pakistani media these days, they make their own people fool to retain them in their side, else pakistani people would have themselves done something radical against their government.

There are people in pakistan, who have only one dream for their life, that is eradication of India, they put this as "Hindustan ki tabahi". Now this pakistan that is barking about being victim itself, is actually the creator and patron of these forces, which are now all the way acting in an uncontrolled manner, ISI and pakistani military is not in any governmental control. They are on the verge of a state collapse, as clearly visible in their north west frontier province, to divert their own people's mind, they are using all ways possible, as identified above, now think who fool can ever believe them, if one even gets a singleton chance to come out of that pakistani well and see the world by his own. After the displaying of so many proofs against various terrorists, they keep saying they're insufficient, not substantial, or even shamelessly deny to have any, and thus collecting information about our mechanisms and methodologies of collecting intelligence in an indirect manner. How can a state be more base than this! Pakistan is a stolen land and not at all their nation. That is our land, and we must be unite to take our land back and accomplish the holy task of "Akhand Bharat" / "Unbroken India". This is the high time when we can revenge the martyrdom of our great soldiers, guests and citizens. Pakistan can never be a friend of India as it is full of people who hate India and can't even see its map on globe. No doubt there are intellectual people who want peace between two counties, but they form a very less portion of the total and because of the malformed information, described as above, are totally confused or feeling themselves lacking power and authority. Pakistani army has one and only one agenda to take revenge of the defeats that they had in all the wars with India, which were initiated by them and were end by us.

WE must convey a clear message of dare to all of the people making out Mumbai attacks as the beginning of Indian collapse, they must not live in this dream and had better take care their own economic and intellectual strength. It won't take us a lot of time to erase pakistan from world map, if we want to do so. pakistan has always been boasting about its atomic bombs' strength, this much of physics is known to me as well that even if they use their all bombs together, our geographical vastness won't be threatened, and by that time we would have erased more than 10 pakistans from the world map. The article would be continued, till then keep commenting. Jai Hind!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Co existence of religions and faith

Being known to several riots on religious ground in India and now the riots between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria, and specially after pondering over the most lethal of the threats to the modern civilization "The Islamic terrorism" which is spearheading in many parts of the globe, from India to Chechenya, America to southern china, Malaysia to its own patrons like Pakistan and bangladesh; a serious issue arises that whether the religious faith becomes so indelibly branded in someone's heart that it doesn't even valuate precious human lives and mankind's emotions & ethics for the sake of most of the times merely to perpetrate their own insecurities and feelings of malice towards others or simply the elements of hatred and jealousy. In such circumstances, in a country like India, where almost all religions of this globe find safe heaven, can exist peacefully in longer run or not. When we had a goal to attain freedom, Hindu Muslims Christians Sikhs all were Bhai Bhai (Brothers) but even before attaining, just with a foreseen reality when we came nearer to be free, or rather I should write "Independent" from foreign rulers, leaders like Jinnah displayed their selfishness and narrow-mindedness, by asking for a separate Islamic state, our weak leaders of that time did let it happen, that ultimately ended in the creation of our most jealous, slew, shameless, brutal son Pakistan. Coming back to our point of discussion of co existence, as we see in chemical reagents as well that if variety of substances in more or less equal quantity are tried to be treated, we notice highly unstable solution, it gets stable if we dilute it with one major solvent which works effectively as a stabilizer in the system thus rendering the solution to be stable. Similarly in India, Hinduism has been working as that solvent, but as Hindus are reducing in number and are being divided from within, we are facing instability in our society. If this solution gets concentrated in time to come, then certainly the existence of our nation will be in a jeopardy. We stamp RSS people communal when they talk about "Hindu Ghata Desh ban'ta" (Diminished Hindu Broken Country); but it is the time to realize this radical looking theory as a demand of the time line. It doesn't mean at all that we start killing our other religions' follower- brothers and sisters but at least try to be united and integrated within ourselves and thus strengthen the cultural framework of our society. Trying to make out with a non radical, calm perspective that what organisations like RSS talk about. It isn't a sheer coincidence that so many of the meritorious citizens of our country as well as the entire globe are members of it. I am this time highly devoid of personal experiences of other nations and their societies, but most certainly I shall find out more interesting permutations and combination to stabilize a multi-religious system and further. Till then wish if you could contribute in this debate further, Jai Hind!

Monday, December 1, 2008

India, a pseudo democracy!

After seeing so many advertising campaigns, people asking for "Jaago India Jaago" etc. I just want to ask a simple question to them, whom to vote? My lesgislative assembly consistuency is reserved for specific cast, I myself would love to contest elections from there but I can't, I have no options to choose from, then how can I vote? They keep saying it'll strengthen democracy, which democracy they talk about? Is it a justified system in which we're to hail for our democracy? Their must be a vast movement for revolution against discreminitory policies like "Reservations" in every aspect of state's structure, such as political, educational or any of the other kinds. After recent Mumbai attacks, it's become even more pathetic to vote for such people who only to save their vote banks, don't act against the culprits and hamper procedures of having tougher laws for terrorism, and that too when supreme court has to say itself that "Terrorism is not a Law & Order subject, but a blatant war against state." Then why centre is not able to fasten processes of installing mechanisms such as federal agencies or even without them, I think task can be accomplished by mututal determination to eradicate such a menace, I am warning all politicians of this generation that if their soft and timid approach continues like this then it will ripe as a severe threat to our Nation's integrity and we shall attain nothing but malice among ourself which will ultimately tear our "Unity in variety" strength. We strongly need to refurbish our infra structure for safeguard, both external and internal, for this a sheer detechment of such issues from politicians is the primary necessity. If state governments can't act after so particular and well orchestrated intelligence and can't erect systems to assure safty of the citizens, then it's a clear state of administrative failure and we need to reconstitute the entire framework all over again to make sure that these enemies are neutralized and our "BharatVarsh" is saved and remain peaceful and prosperous till eternity. It's not just that citizens are feeling unsafe that's why they are angry, in reality if I can atleast talk on my behalf, then I would say I am rather unhappy because it's an insult to my Motherland and I am feeling ashamed of myself who failed to secure the self respect of my country and thus the stature of my Bharat. Let's see what the future has to unfold, readers, please convey the message to as many places as possible & do reply with your views, Bharat Mata Ki Jai!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

China, a barbaric state!

I strictly believe in one world, with no boundaries, so my this writing must not be seen in the perspective of deteriorating a country's image, I want to draw everyone's attention towards a case where a Chinese citizen is sentenced to death and from almost less than one day from the time writing this article, he will be butchered by Chinese Government. The man is charged for spying for Taiwan, who has never been to Taiwan, the man is a scientist, his daughter and her husband came from US to meet him for last time, as two people can see him before the execution, desperate daughter tried everything from the legal course of china, which is actually nothing but Government's monopoly, to urging their own countries, respectively Austria and US, all gone in vain, calling for the last meeting is a clear insignia of execution's inevitability. I too believe that conspiracy against state is the most serious crime but China has a history of executing the most number of people in the entire world, even more than regimes like of Saddam's or other brutal Islamic regimes. It's a shame on authorities like UN that are completely failed to pressurize this state terrorism spreading nation, where liberal thoughts are put to end virtually. The world is scrupulously debating over the existence of death penalties and such countries are blatantly using their authority to the barbarism. Are perpetrators dwell merely in China? There must be integrated international efforts to seek into such cases, and punish these nations. Down to such governments, mankind will never forgive them, I will collect more facts about this and will write more later on, till then the reader can go to any western media sites like etc. to know more about this specific incident.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

"SooryaNamaskaar"/Surya Namaskar The Sun Salute for health & prosperity

[Image: surya2.jpg]
Lord SUN "Surya Bhagwan"

Surya Namaskar some practical guidelines

Effective use of Surya Namaskar is experienced on three levels – body, mind and intellect. The practice of Surya Namaskar is a sort of training to your body mind and soul (Pradnya). It works with equal force on these three aspects. It gives us physical and mental health with sharp intellect.

Only 35 to 40% of your muscles are used in daily activities. Rest of the muscles remain inactive. Surya Namaskar is a physical exercise where almost 95% to 97% of your muscles are switched on to active mode. They remain active, hours ahead during the day, till you recharge them the next morning.

You are at dis-ease when there is imbalance of Waat, Kapha and Pitta in the body. Daily practice in Surya Namaskar maintains steady state of these three, keeping the body in perfect health.

While performing Surya Namaskar the breathing exercise (Pranayam) gives more oxygen to your lungs. The rhythm of breathing becomes heavy with vitality. Each breath becomes deep and clear. It carries more oxygen to the parts of your body.
The vital points (The Chakras) in the body get charged. The Surya-Tej in these Chakras gets enlightened with the thought and sight of the Sun God.

While performing Surya Namaskar think nothing, but about the Sun God. Concentrate yourself on the meaning of the Surya Mantra, the steps in the Surya Namaskar, their sequence, the proper activities of the different parts of the body, the parts of the body where you feel stress, stretch and strain etc. This will shut your mind off from thinking. Thoughtless state of mind contains no mental stress and strain at all. It is a real rest to your mind. Freedom from mental and emotional anxiety is the sound rest to your body too.

The word ‘Moksha’ means to be relieved from fear and tears. It is to get freedom from all types of woes and worries. This ‘released state of mind’ gives you absolute happiness. All the virtues – the divine qualities which are nothing less than the GOD HIMSELF – are the carriers that take you to the absolute happiness-the Moksha.

The starting shloka, the Sankalpa, the prayer, the concluding shloka, the Samarpan and the shloka of dedication are important in the process of ‘know thyself’. If you can’t (or don’t want to) recite these shlokas give a thought to the meaning of each shloka while practicing Surya Namaskar.

Early morning is the best time for Surya Namaskar. Don’t eat any thing at least for five hours prior to Surya Namaskar.

Follow the body postures in each step very scrupulously. If it is not possible for you at the beginning you are free to make some minor changes, here and there, for the time being. But your final aim is to attain the perfect position.

All the diagrams merely indicate only outward body posture roughly. They are not the ideal state of Asana.

Each movement of the Asana should be divided into parts and performed gracefully.

While performing the Asanas keep your belly and hip part loose. Get the feel of the stretch and strain at the particular part of the body. The rest of the body should be free of muscle tension.

Go slow. Slow speed is for SharirShuddhi – for cleansing the body of all sorts of toxins, fats, unwanted secretions and for restoring health. Each movement of the Asana should be graceful. Use all your physical ability to experience the stretch and strain on your body while performing the Asana

There are twelve steps in Surya Namaskar. You can count five seconds for each step of the Surya Namaskar. It means that one Surya Namaskar goes for one minute (and a bit more). This is the normal speed to perform twelve Asana / one Surya Namaskar. This speed ensures SharirVruddhi – stedy progress in overall health and happiness. At the beginning, of course, you have to go very slow.

The body posture is important. If you have any problem at any step, revise all the given information, about the particular step, in the light of your problem. Your doubt will be solved. Make use of phone / E-mail to get your doubts cleared.

You can gain perfection in the Surya Namaskar after a long and steady practice. Be patient. Maintain slow and steady progress everyday to reach to the right posture of the Asana. Be one with the art. The Sun God will take you to the path of progress.

It is said that twenty-four Surya Namaskar, if done properly, are equal to five hundred sit-ups / pull-ups. It may be a statement of exaggeration. But it is worth to experience the physical fitness that you attain after you start practising Surya Namaskar. At the beginning of the practice, one Surya Namaskar consumes 13.91 kcal. This exercise burns out a lot of calories and reduces body mass and body weight.

If your physical capacity is to perform twelve Surya Namaskar at a time, perform only five. Give importance to use all the physical abilities to perform each and every Asana of Surya Namaskar.

The seven Chakras (the vital points), in your boy govern every of your activity. They motivate you to act, give ability to perform the act and get the action done. Doctors also give prime importance, directly or indirectly, to these vital points while treating a patient. Overall heath and strength is restored through Surya Namaskar.

Persons suffering from slip-disk, arthritis, heart attack etc including pregnant women are suggested to take medical opinion before they start the practice of Surya Namaskar.

If your breathing goes fast while practising Surya Namaskar, either take some rest or stop performing more Surya Namaskar for the day.

After the practice of Surya Namaskar is over you better lay down in Shawasan / Yoga Nidra for some time.

Simple form of Surya namaskar mantras:-
»» Aum Mitraya Namaha
»» Aum Ravaye Namaha
»» Aum Suryaya Namah
»» Aum Bhanave Namah
»» Aum Khagaya Namah
»» Aum Pushne Namah
»» Aum Hiranyagarbhaya Namah
»» Aum Marichaye Namh
»» Aum Adityaya Namh
»» Aum Savitre Namh
»» Aum Arkaya Namah
»» Aum Bhaskaraya Namah

These twelve Mantras should be chanted while performing below mentioned twelve positions:-

[Image: surya_namaskar.jpg]

Other Pictures:-

[Image: suria_namaskar.jpg]

Thursday, November 6, 2008

One stop Eyeglasses solution!

One stop solution for Eyeglasses:-

In the age of electronics, it’s become inevitable for one to bear healthy eyes, rendering veracious readers to video game lovers, pasting eyeglasses on the cherished eyes. Sun glasses and fashionable eyeglasses are also hot potatoes. The highly commercialized eyeglasses’ market is providing numerous solutions for it; how reliable these vendors are, that’s most of the time a lingering question in buyers’ minds. Here I describe about a one stop online solution for eyeglasses, namely

A neat and clean interface of the webplace provides an extensive coverage of many varieties of eyeglasses such as Complete Single Vision Eyeglasses, Complete Progressive Eyeglasses, and Complete Bi-Focal Eyeglasses etc. Zennioptical avails High quality stylish frame, Thin and Light 1.57 index lens, Anti Scratch Coating, Full UV Protection, Lens edge polishing and beveling, Quality Hard Eyeglass case, Micro fiber Lens Cleaning Cloth, Full Guarantee and that too with eyeglasses starting from 8USD only! They have an array of multiple stylish frames like classical to fashionable, suiting men as well as women needs.
One can search frames through online search engine of the site and can order by choosing most of the renowned methods. On as many glasses as purchased, they charge mere $4.95 as a flat rate. They have their guarantee schemes, securing consumers’ interests and repair or return sections as well. There web site is certified to the latest date by Thwate. Eyeglasses are equipped with all thinkable, unthinkable merits like Anti Reflective and Anti Radiation coating etc. Here I am attaching a few of the articles I like:-
[Image: image-2.jpg]
[Image: image-1.jpg]
[Image: image.jpg]

Necessary links to reach out to this great one stop solution for eyeglasses are as follows:-
Zenni Optical was on FOX news!
Great Eyeglasses For Less
Variable Dimension Frames From Zenni
This is as they were on Fox News
Zenni Optical on Fox News!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Strengthening democracy: The prime duty of a citizen

Though I never count Democracy as the best way of governance both on the basis of effectiveness as well as justifiability yet would take it as inevitable to glorify it as one of the most relevant, feasible and pragmatically proper approach towards the management of Human society. Today when India is progressing at a rapid pace and have become a leading frontier in many very specified fields of study; still a large number of people in far flung areas remain illiterate. Poverty is taking lives while child labour and discrimination in society eating the silk of integrity. The increment in literacy is the most positive sign for a developing country like India; for its democracy especially; together with the economic achievements, producing the means to strengthen the democracy in our country. Still, sometimes because of our laziness or for selfishness we tend to be away from the process which is pasted as a responsibility on our face, as being part of the world's biggest democracy, which mark us to be active and continuously working for the empowerment of society through our principled efforts for the betterment of mankind.
There are numerous shortcomings around us that can be traced and mitigated easily but not effortlessly. It becomes even a bigger onus on our shoulders when we use this framework of Democracy. We can not and must not blame always the authorities, for the simple fact that we are the ultimate authority itself! Many minds can compute various demerits in the system and render it as a pseudo democratic framework, I include my mind in those with a foremost rank but it doesn't mean that I cease working for my people or keep knocking my head on the wall of excuses. We have to appreciate whatever power we can exercise and utilize it towards the growth and betterment of a healthy society. We should try our best to work for the betterment of the people around us and make efforts to make them happy; to destroy their sorrows and sprout the lotuses of smile in this materialistic mud of worldly complexities.
Various means can be sorted out to strengthen democracy in a nation. First and foremost is to create awareness and expand education to everyone. For already awaken people, internet is a boon with which they can put forward their views as I am putting now. To invest some time in community service as it refines oneself as a human together provides a mending to the community itself. To work on ground and trying collecting people together rather than digging depths of malice. An invariable vigil on whatever happening around us in this entire multiverse is equally significant tool. A few of examples I have tried to put forward in this pargraph about the means to strengthening the democracy, will be pleased to enlist more in future with the help of readers themselves, therefore try to expand this article further with your own views and ways. This article is basically written in the praise of "Citizen journalist" concept.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Lankan army killing innocent, unarmed Tamils

In Sri Lanka, now for so long, military forces of this island nation are killing unarmed, innocent Tamils who are generally referred to as "Eelam Tamils." Now when even the chief minister of Tamil Nadu also urged strongly to the centre to intervene in this pathetic act of violence and genocide by lankan military, and try to put down the deadly flame, which displays a false aim of treating so called terrorist organization LTTE and killing its own Tamil citizens, who are even not recognized heartily in their own nation and are deprived of even most of the basic amenities like food, education, shelter and health. They were even before living in self formed rescue camps in northern Sri Lanka and now even there they're being bombed to death. Small children are crying with severe wounds on their tiny bodies, women weeping seeing their cherished households being crushed, unarmed citizens are treated to death after forging all futile and baseless allegations on them of being pro LTTE.

It's the darkest form of Ethnic cleansing. After Norweignian interventions end, Sri Lankan goverment became even wilder and showed their might on unarmed Tamils with a mask on, determined to thrash LTTE. Not only being Indian Tamils are nearer to me but also as a human being, it's intolerable to see people being unjustifiably butchered. Centre should shed the apprehensions about two countries' bilateral relationships, and owe to its commitment towards mankind and its ethics. Now when all opposition parties and rulling parties in Tamil Nadu are crying in same voice to assist the victims, then what is this government is waiting for? First they let Malaysia dictate and brutally sabotage Malayasian Indians and now they are watching dumbly, this heinous act of barbarism with dry eyes! Stand up together against the "Devil."

Knowledge Sea For Automotives

Among the most adored of your possessions, your automotive, your car; remains being frequently used and thus prone to many issues always, one can wonder to find scrupulous and reliable information over automotive topics, a minute snag in your car, worth a few cents, makes you cheated with all those repairing garages. Many of us are willing to know much more about automotives and technologies behind them, but simply lack of resources makes us discouraged and some times much irritated. Here I would recommend a solution, which seems to be promising as well as easy to access when it comes to your automotive curiosity and needs of knowledge. car parts blog is one comprehensive resource of all automotive such as car and similar related issues. It’s comprised of various dimensions of useful technological details, well simplified and many of the tips that can give you your happy automotive with a heavier pocket! The website’s aesthetics are eye-catching and based upon classical blogger layout; it gives ease of access to all the content on the website.

The website seems to be remarkably enriched in its content, which shows the dedication and interest of the webmasters of the place. Issues common to more specific, all are blended well to suffice a novice’s as well as an expert’s digestion. The most facilitating part of content is the inclusion of all necessary diagrams, charts and pictures wherever required. Adding to the merits, much simple language enhances the usefulness of the sea of knowledge that website constitutes. Most of the topics are in the form of Question & Answers’ pattern, which carves everything suitable to every mind and all concentration levels. There is the facility of registration with which one can leave one’s comments and in that form ask or share many other things with fraternity. Registering in such places has appeared of much use with my personal experience. Here I must mention an article that I found on this place

A dedicated internal search service plugs searching at its precise and simple form. Defined “About” and “Contact Us” pages respectively illustrate the overview and contact information of the creators of this treasure of knowledge when it comes to automotives, which is in deed one of the unique of its kind approach. A separate video page is a collection of videos pertaining automotive and similar fields. The over all theme of website is really soothing, simple and beautiful.

All together, is a frequently updated, fully user friendly knowledge database and a sharing tool regarding all issues of automotives. The pattern followed to put on the content is easy to grasp. So if you’re looking for any of the automotives’ or similar issues, your search ends at a heavenly island of blog car parts .

Link: car parts blog

Link: blog car parts

Achievements with struggle!

Human being is equipped with limited abilities and a larger list of disabilities. But this interpretation is merely a quantitative approach; qualitatively the abilities have always been privileged. Fraternity talks about the long running and everlasting battle between vices and virtues; we very hopefully describe the victory of the virtues eventually as inevitable, but rightly many of us highlight the fact about the suffering and losses during this battle, with a constantly higher probability of diminishing while being suffered. A few who might however reach out to that victorious last; imaginatively writing, would more or less be calculating the resultant of the entire procedure and the suffering phase rather than only that last sweet fruit, for savouring which, the burnt tongue is struggling.

Write to save nature

I am initiating this post to collaborate writings to save nature; covering issues, which are grossly intermingled, such as Global Climate change, Pollution, population explosion, endangered species both animals and plants and medical crisis such as "Pneumococcal disease" that are currently causing preventable deaths. The previously mentioned all problems are haunting the Nature's sustainable & fundamental composition.
I shall write a few pieces regarding them as I get time, I shall consider it my duty to encourage all others to pay heed and try equally contributing with their thoughts and ideas.
I believe in targeted writing more as absolute writings give you medals but not the practical results which I wish more. Firstly I am writing a small poem intended for children to tell them how things like Plastics and other untreatable rubbish can harm our routine life, the plot goes like a little girl named Nancy goes for a walk with her brother and here it is that how it goes...
Title= "Without Plastic"
Writer= "Devashish Mishra"
Flavour= "Dramatic & intended to fuel insipiration"

“Without Plastic”

Little Nancy screamed smelling,
What’s that heap brother.., it’s makin’ me yelling;
The caring bro strided,
Called for a respite,
Later told the little lady,
The cruel plastic & its might

Irritating who ever passing,
Not discriminating, a poor or Mr. Malya racing;
This time the wind prided,
Dragged the heap near the site;
Later told the little lady,
Now it’s over our heads, it’s time to fight

Here comes the big movement,
People seeking for the treatment;
Tons of humans running & rowing,
The site soon gets flooded,
All thoughts No work! Now the leaders’ bite,
Later told the little lady,
It’s nothing but a popularity kite

Some old lady, leaning & walking,
Comes there, with a broom for self sweeping;
Seeing the great mother, aged, working in spite,
Advanced a few more then the few more…
That’s the spirit for delight;
Later tells the little lady,
No irritation, that’s fantastic,
Hey brother! This world is so nice “Without Plastic”

Monday, October 13, 2008


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If I am as bad a writer as some of my readers are eager to inform me, why even bother reading me when there are so many good ones, among them patriotic academics, historians, pundits, and poets?
Why is it that believers persecute non-believers? Is it because believers may believe they believe but they don't really believe, and in silencing infidels they hope to silence their own doubts?
During the Soviet era dissidents were persecuted, exiled, and shot. Did that prolong the existence of the USSR by even a fraction of a second?
Great nations produce great writers. Shakespeare wrote for kings and queens, not brainwashed fools and fishwives.
An Armenian could never have said “You can't fool all the people all the time,” because Armenians have been successfully fooled for more than 1500 years now.
What happened to our Bagratunis who denied their Armenian identity and claimed to be Jews descended from the Biblical King David? What happened to our Mamikonians (of Chinese descent) who claimed to have fought the heroic Battle of Avarair, which, according to some historians, not all of them odar, never took place?
Nations need myths. Only deceivers need lies.
The more brainwashed they are the lower their IQ, the higher their intolerance, the deeper their ignorance, the greater their fanaticism.
I can recognize a brainwashed dupe when I see one. I was one myself most of my life.
Harry Truman on Richard Nixon: “I don't think the son of a bitch knows the difference between telling the truth and lying.”


An American pundit on chief executive officers: “The government cannot place limitations on the salaries and bonuses of CEO's. These are smart people. They know how to handle money. If they don't make it one way, they will find other ways.”
In other words, the net of our justice system can catch sardines but not sharks, because it was designed by sharks.
Or, if you are going to steal, go into banking and leave petty larceny to criminals.
If we ever let loose a forensic accountant into our organizations, I suspect he will suffocate in a pile of manure as big as Mount Ararat.
Capitalism: socialism for the rich, free enterprise for the poor.
If I am against everything that I believed thirty years ago, it only means that I did not waste my last thirty years because I learned things I didn't know.
What makes a loser think he is morally superior is a psychological maneuver known as compensation. But there is compensation and there is overcompensation, as when an inbred moron assesses himself as a genius.
If I repeat myself it's because when I am misunderstood, I don't mind trying again.
Think of a dissident as someone who says “I refuse to be brainwashed.”


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Remars {Contd...}

Only crooks and barbarians fight. Sooner or later all civilized men reach a consensus through compromise.
An Armenian with a highly developed spirit of contradiction doesn't feel the need to think. He contradicts first and comes up with reasons next, even if these reasons convince no one but himself.
You may have noticed that people who screw other people, unlike their victims, always have good reasons for doing what they do.
As soon as rules and criteria are established, there will always be those who will exploit them to their advantage, and in time assume key positions. In human affairs evil always triumphs – from commissars in the USSR, and televangelists in America, to holier-than-thou sanctimonious child-molesting pricks everywhere.
On their way back from the Homeland my mother and sister were approached by one of their elderly travel companions, who said to them: “Please, don't mention our bad experiences to Ara, he may write about them.” It is beyond me why some people think covering up misconduct or abuses is patriotic, when obviously it is the exact opposite. Who after all benefits from filthy washrooms and unsanitary hospitals? Surely, not our tourist industry.
What I do is a waste of time, I know that now. Even if I were to succeed I would fail. Consider the life, work, and influence of even the greatest reformers like Luther and Marx. What have they accomplished? They simply replaced one form of exploitation, abuse, and corruption with another. Which is why I have lowered my sights. My aim now is to give our riffraff insomnia, even if the insomnia lasts no more than a fraction of a second.
In the biography of an English writer (Simon Gray, 1936-2008) I read that he deplored “the ugliness and bad manners of his contemporaries,” he thought “we live in exceptionally stupid times,” and “State education was controlled by savages who should be strung from lampposts.” Nothing further, Your Honor!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
One of the obscenties about our genocide is the average Turcocentric ghazetaji who has convinced himself and his dupes that our welfare as a nation depends on bloodthirsty subhuman savages. He at no time is willing to consider the possibility that not all Turks are savages, and that some of them may even be more civilized than he.
Like most Armenians, I have followed many controversies in our media,
but I have at no time heard an Armenian say: “I was wrong!” or, even better, “I was dead wrong because I placed my own ego, interests, family, political party, church, or tribe above the interests of the nation or, for that matter, humanity as a whole.”
“Hatred,” Gandhi said, “injures the haters, never the hated.”
Marx said capital dehumanizes not only the worker but also the capitalist himself.
And now listen to Pope Pius XI: “Dead matter leaves the factory ennobled and transformed, whereas men are corrupted and degraded.”
It is safe to assume that by “men” the Pope didn’t think of the workers only but also their exploiters and society as a whole.
All this to suggest that we dehumanize the Turk at the cost of dehumanizing not only ourselves, and our communities, but also our relationships with one another.
To see evidence of this all one has to do is follow any intramural controversy in our press or discussion forum on the internet, including this one.
Assessing oneself as infallible may well be the surest symptom of terminal cretinism.

Remarks {contd...}

You have a far better chance with a dog than with Homo sapiens.
Church unity has become a Utopian illusion because so far no one has been successful in convincing two bishops that one of them owes his position of eminence to the KGB and the other to the CIA.
Everything a man says to a tyrant is driven by cunning and hypocrisy. Tyrants know this and they are flattered. They prefer dishonest brown-nosers to honest critics.
The two most hateful words in my dictionary. To those who say “Yes, sir!” are fine words because they stand for respect for authority, I say, maybe so, but you cannot solve problems by dropping your pants and bending over.
They believe God to be on their side and, as long as they follow the Guidance and regardless of what happens in this life, they will spend the next deflowering virgins, and no one speaks in defense of defenseless virgins.
Once upon a time there was a fearless driver who, when warned to avoid certain neighborhoods and to drive more defensively, would say, “As long as I follow traffic rules I have nothing to worry about.” And now, after the inevitable, all he does is stare into space with expressionless eyes and say, “It wasn't my fault. It wasn't my fault.”
To be a posthumous success means to be a living failure, and for every writer that fails there are at least a dozen bishops who succeed.
In the Ottoman period, if it wasn't the Turks, it was TB.
In the Soviet period, if it wasn't a bullet in the neck, it was the Gulag.
In the Diaspora today, if it's not being dependent on the charity of swine it's the death of a thousand cuts.
Friday, September 19, 2008


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Remarks {Contd...}

All politically motivated assertions contain a fraction of bias and bull. If a politician tells you the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, or two plus two makes four, ask yourself, “What's in it for him?” and if he shakes your hand, make sure there are no missing digits.
There is a type of charlatan who not only pretends to know all he needs to know but also what's good for the rest of us, even though he has at no time even bothered to ask what is it that we or any one of us wants.
What could be more naïve for a Turk than to believe Turkish politicians on the grounds that they are Turks. Likewise, what could be more naïve for an Armenian to believe Armenian politicians on the grounds that if they are Armenians they must be honest.
They resent me because I speak of reality. What they want me to do is sing a lullaby. Literature to them is nothing but variations on “Yes im anoush Hayastani,” which is itself a variation on a poem by Pushkin; which, by the way and in passing, is an excellent proof of the literary theory that says, the greatest source of inspiration for poets is not reality but other poets. But then, this is true of all literary activity. Aristotle is unthinkable without Plato, or Plato without Socrates; or Marx without Hegel; or Dostoevsky without Dickens and Gogol.
I remember once many years ago reviewing a collection of poems by one of our bishops. It was such a transparent imitation of Verlaine that it qualified as a clear-cut case of plagiarism and I said as much in my review, which was published in an American literary periodical. As far as I know, the good bishops never published another bad poem after that.
I also remember to have reviewed a volume of poems by one of our political bosses. It was incomprehensible avant-garde trash, but to my eternal shame I praised it highly on the chauvinist theory – yes, I was once a dealer in chauvinist crapola – if it's Armenian it's bound to be good.
Speaking of politicians and poets: If Zarian is right, Ottoman sultans have inspired more poetic tributes by Armenian poets in Istanbul than Armenian politicians in Yerevan.


All politically motivated assertions contain a fraction of bias and bull. If a politician tells you the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, or two plus two makes four, ask yourself, “What's in it for him?” and if he shakes your hand, make sure there are no missing digits.
There is a type of charlatan who not only pretends to know all he needs to know but also what's good for the rest of us, even though he has at no time even bothered to ask what is it that we or any one of us wants.
What could be more naïve for a Turk than to believe Turkish politicians on the grounds that they are Turks. Likewise, what could be more naïve for an Armenian to believe Armenian politicians on the grounds that if they are Armenians they must be honest.
They resent me because I speak of reality. What they want me to do is sing a lullaby. Literature to them is nothing but variations on “Yes im anoush Hayastani,” which is itself a variation on a poem by Pushkin; which, by the way and in passing, is an excellent proof of the literary theory that says, the greatest source of inspiration for poets is not reality but other poets. But then, this is true of all literary activity. Aristotle is unthinkable without Plato, or Plato without Socrates; or Marx without Hegel; or Dostoevsky without Dickens and Gogol.
I remember once many years ago reviewing a collection of poems by one of our bishops. It was such a transparent imitation of Verlaine that it qualified as a clear-cut case of plagiarism and I said as much in my review, which was published in an American literary periodical. As far as I know, the good bishops never published another bad poem after that.
I also remember to have reviewed a volume of poems by one of our political bosses. It was incomprehensible avant-garde trash, but to my eternal shame I praised it highly on the chauvinist theory – yes, I was once a dealer in chauvinist crapola – if it's Armenian it's bound to be good.
Speaking of politicians and poets: If Zarian is right, Ottoman sultans have inspired more poetic tributes by Armenian poets in Istanbul than Armenian politicians in Yerevan.


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Final Remarks

The Irish say, “Ireland is a good place to die.”
Something similar could be said of our own beloved homeland.
American political leaders may speak like thugs but ours live as thugs. So please, let's cut out the b.s. when we speak of our homeland.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
There are no final answers. Final answers are only for popes, ayatollahs, and fascists. If an answer does not raise two more questions, it cannot be right.
To be slaves of former slaves (our case) also means to allow ourselves to be brainwashed by brain-damaged dupes.
We like to say that nations that question the reality of our genocide are motivated by self-interest, thus implying nations that are on our side are morally superior. As for our own moral superiority: we take that for granted and we expect everyone else to do so.
You cannot judge the conduct of a war by authorized press releases. Neither can you judge the past by authorized textbooks. For the very simple reason that those in authority care much more about their image than the truth.
To silence dissent means to prepare the ground for a generation of executioners.
There is a type of charlatan (Bush and Chaney come to mind) who will always be against compromise and for war, provided of course someone else does the killing and dying.


Arthur Schlesinger in a 1967 entry: “It is depressing to think that three of the great world leaders of 1967 – Mao, de Gaulle, and Johnson – are slightly crazy (and most of the rest are mediocrities).
On Nixon: “He was the greatest **** – probably the only **** – ever elected President of the United States.”
If I were to write a text on our recent history, a good working title would be “A regime of ****s.” In all fairness to our leaders, I should add that some of them were well-meaning ****s. The fact remains however that none of them was equal to the task. I say this to warn all our politically ambitious upstarts that not everyone is cut out for the job. To surround oneself with like-minded yes-men is easy. To seduce an audience with rhetoric is also easy. But reality is a cold bitch. The rest is bull and bias, and I for one happen to be a born-again anti-bias fanatic.
The chances are he who believes in God will also believe in the existence of honest politicians.
Our genocide happened as surely as World War I and World War II; but its reasons, like the reasons of both world wars are not as one-sided as Turks and Armenians assert them to be.
An atheist who thinks is closer to God than a believer who doesn't.
Monday, September 15, 2008
President Johnson to Henry Kissinger as quoted by Arthur Schlesinger in his JOURNALS: “Okay, we will do it the professor's [Kissinger's] way. But (glaring at Kissinger) if it doesn't work, I will personally cut your balls off.”
When our patriotic writers in the Ottoman Empire spoke of “homeland” they meant Istanbul. Does anyone know how many of them actually set foot in Armenia?
In the 19th century, even writers born and raised on Armenian soil, preferred to live and work in Tiflis.
In the 20th century, anyone who was someone in Armenian literature in Armenia was betrayed to the authorities and was either shot or exiled to Siberia.
Zarian was the only major writer from the Diaspora who repatriated after Khrushchev's Thaw, and after being treated as a leper, he was either murdered or died as a result of an accidental fall.
The fate of another writer, Navasartian by name, the son of an eminent Tashnak leader in Egypt, was even more tragic if only because he was much younger than Zarian. He either committed suicide, was pushed, or (according to Zaroukian who wrote a book about him) got drunk, lost his balance, and fell to his death from a hotel balcony in Yerevan.
I met Navasartian twice: first time in Greece in the 1940s or early '50s, second time, about ten years later, in Canada. He was a mesmerizing speechifier.
As for writers after Independence, since they are alive and active on the Internet, I will let them speak for themselves.


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Vampires {Contd...}

“We Armenians are products of the tribal mentality of Turks and Kurds, and this tribal mentality remains stubbornly rooted even among our leaders and elites.”
Statesman, literary scholar, educator.
************************************************** *
“A familiar figure in our collective existence is the prosperous and arrogant community leader who, by obstructing the path of all those who wish to reform
and improve our conditions, perpetuates a status quo whose sole aim is his own personal profit and aggrandizement.”
Athor, editor.
“The Armenian Diaspora is losing its character. Our language, our literature, and our traditions are degenerating. Even our religious leaders have abandoned their calling and turned into cunning wheeler-dealers. Our publications thrive on meaningless controversies. I see charlatanism and cheap chauvinism everywhere
but not a single trace of self-sacrifice and dedication to principles and ideals. What's happening to us? Where are we heading? Quo vadis, O Armenian people?
Author, editor, critic.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Because some Turks enjoy reading me, I am accused of anti-Armenianism; and because some Armenians enjoy reading Akcam and Pamuk, they are accused of insulting Turkishness. And this according to bureaucrats who take their marching orders from politicians, for whom honesty is a hostile concepts and truth enemy propaganda.
Praise I suspect because it makes me blind to my own failings. Criticism, even when motivated by prejudice, ignorance, or revenge, I welcome because it makes me stop and think, even if the interruption lasts no more than a fraction of a second.
A publisher once sent me a review copy of an Armenian WHO'S WHO in which the average entry on benefactors was seven times longer than the entries on writers. I did not review it. Let the benefactors review it, I thought, with their calculating machines.
Is there such a thing as a Supreme Court in Armenia? Who are the Justices? Does anyone know their names? Why is it that they never make headlines in our press? As things stand, not only are they anonymous but also invisible, and they might as well be non-existent.
There is a type of Turcocentric Armenian who judges his fellow Armenians by how much they hate Turks. To him the ideal Armenian is he whose favorite breakfast drink is neither coffee nor orange juice but Turkish blood.


About Frank Westerman's ARARAT, we read the following in THE SPECTATOR (London, August 30, 2008): “...a book of stupendous richness and complexity, a cornucopia or jumbled facts about geology, history, and since, woven into personal memoirs and travelogue that combines stories with information about religious belief, academic rivalry, portraits of fellow travellers, mountaineering history, politics, personalities and an abundance of lesser uncategorisable side-detail.” The author is described as “a clever, talented 43-year-old Dutchman of Puritan stock, [who] from his early twenties ceased to pray...and [whose] books have won important literary prizes.”
On the genesis of the book: “He first saw Ararat, the great mountain-volcano, from the Soviet side. It seemed to pull him.”
Monday, September 22, 2008
Our Turcocentric ghazetajis, international lawyers, eminent historians, and statesmen tell us we have a very strong case against the Turks, provided the necessary amount of funds is forthcoming. Deep in a dark corner of my mind however I cannot help suspecting that the nation is being victimized for the second time. Consider some of the relevant facts in the matter. Our politicians have been of no political use to us. Lawyers will be on the side of anyone who pays them for their services. No one trusts in the judgment of nationalist historians except their brainwashed dupes. As for ghazetajis, the less said about them the better. And now a question: Why is it that the only time these gentlemen develop a consensus is when they want to raise funds?
Whenever I hear talk of tradition or traditional values, I think of Winston Churchill's retort to an English admiral: “Don't talk to me about naval tradition. It's nothing but rum, sodomy, and the lash.” And Mahler's dictum: “There is no such thing as tradition. There is only stupidity and genius.”
I am not pro-Turkish. Neither am I anti-Armenian. I am for human beings regardless of race, color and creed, and against hoodlums, ditto.
There are two main schools of Armenian literary criticism: the first consists in calling the writer a damn fool, and the second in stating that what he says is a lot of crap.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I call them that because they tell us where we were, where we are, and where we are heading. And I for one never get tired of rereading them.
“What kind of people are we? What kind of leadership is this? Instead of compassion, mutual contempt. Instead of reason blind instinct. Instead of common sense, fanaticism. They speak of the cross and nail us to it again as they speak.”
Poet, novelist, critic, editor.
“All our religious, political, and cultural institutions share a single aim, the survival of the nation. If the nation perishes, neither Echmiadzin nor Antelias, not even God in his heaven, can be of any help to us.”
Statesman. Last Prime Minister of the Republic of
(1918-1920). TO BE CONTD.....