Thursday, December 27, 2007

End of a “Devoted Icon”

I am in the deepest of sorrow with the assassination of one of the greatest leader of the Indian sub continent Mrs. Benazir Bhutto. She was a brave lady leader of a highly patriarchal, conservative muslim society. After loosing her inspirational father, with the strength and bravery of patriotism, she entered in the muddy, brutal and severely volatile Pakistani politics. After being in power for short intervals, having being faced with corruption allegations and all sorts of harrasements by self centric or Islamic extremists’ groups or other political, personal foes; she stood firm. Amidst of violent plight, for the sake of her countrymen and the vision which she nurtured for her beloved country, she returned with all wanted, unwanted agreements; displaying her affection towards the motherland and the people of Pakistan. It’s very unfortunate that Extremists and Bigot terrorists’ organizations act slyly, brutally killing people on the name of Religion and then showing off through Media announcements, about their cruelty as their victory. Any Religion doesn’t direct the path of violence and hatred. These misguided militants can’t even realize, whatever they’re doing is going only negative. They are clearly killing innocent people and creating a very negative image of Islam in front of the entire world community.
Coming back to the Martyr, I state my total solidarity to her family and friends; and express much regret towards this heinous act of cowardice against a woman who stood firm for her nation and democracy. Infinite regards to the great soul which will always be kindling as a torch in our hearts, spreading aura of love and freedom.

Devashish Mishra,
28th Dec 2007.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Converting Faith!

Hello to all my readers,
Today I decided to write about my views on people who convert their religion. There have been numerous conflicts and disastrous violent battles in human society, merely to convert people to the choice of certain sections of society. Our political fraternity believes in the profit which they might cash out of this mishap. What is religion? It’s one’s faith and devotion to a set of thoughts and views, and it’s not at all impractical that it may vary from time to time, but being a social animal, we are bound to be more confined and most of all highly influenced by people around us. In India, you can find faiths of all kinds, everyone possessing their on take, I can’t comment on the whole world’s position, but as my perception goes, it looks similar, as we all are emotional and thinkers. If defaming any religious insignia can cause severe outburst like it was in case of prophet, then it alarms our minds even more, that are till now, have we been enough minded to be free and broad with our thinking? Are we blind enough in something which we just embraced as it was said to us? If questions and matters pertaining “Religion” are so inflammable then I must urge all people to abstain themselves from converting and try to find their path individually, because if we’re not that “Intellectual” that we can bear “Freak” acts of others, then we’re certainly not that minded to alter the traditional faith or even if we’re then our that intellectuality shows us the way of being away with such conversions and try installing peace in society rather than trouble. I don’t want to make this article a “Radical” by equipping it with the examples of Christian Missions in India, that give money and other temptations only to alter their faiths and then think whatever loyalty they’ve got, will be even more substantial as generations passes, the approach with which Muslims got much base in Indian Subcontinent. It sparks people, specially of Minorities, so be witty and act the same.
Yours forever
Devashish Mishra (“Nucleusfermi”).